Let's Talk.

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Hello everyone. This is Creepypasta_Monster.
Some of you may or may not know this but I am a big fan of MCYT Content.

Sadly, one of my favorite content creators has passed. Technoblade's passing has gone public today.
For those of you who do not know. Technoblade had cancer on his right shoulder.

Technoblade was a big inspiration for me and he always made me laugh. Even though I don't post about MCYT I was always a fan.

I may have not known Technoblade personally but his passing is really affecting me. I don't want to believe that it's real but it is. I was working on editing the chapter I was going to post soon but hearing this news just...broke me.

It's like hearing of someone very close to you pass. Technoblade was kind of like a faraway friend in a way if it makes sense. It felt personal when I heard about it.

His videos always cheered me up, I was always happy and I really loved when he told chat Greek mythology stories.

I'm currently not in the best mental state to update because of Mr. Blade's passing. I do apologize to you my dear readers.

You have been waiting for me patiently to update but I really do need this small mental break. Even now, I am crying writing this.

It hurts to know that us fans of Technoblade may not hear another, "Hullo." Or another joke from him. It hurts, it really does.

My condolences to his family, friends, and loved ones. I can not imagine how hard it must be for them. Please if you can, donate to the curesarcoma.org to help research and stop cancer from taking anymore precious lives.

Again, I apologize for the long wait but it is not a good thing to write and edit on such a low mental state. I hope everybody can understand.

Thank you Technoblade for everything. Blood for the blood God. We will never forget your legend.


Alex, 1999-2022.

You and Me (Case Closed Shinichi|Conan X reader)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora