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Recap of the Last Chapter: 

I move my hands from clutching themselves, I could feel how shakey they are and how fast my heart was beating. I slowly looked up at Shinichi who was trying to control his blushing as well. My heart beats faster as the kiss flashed through my mind again. The warm feeling of his lips and the way we moved.

I start fanning myself as I turn away to look at the view, "I-I'll b-be right there! G-Give me a second!" I fan my face trying to cool it down as I heard Shinichi chuckle a bit before hearing the sounds of him walking away. I looked back to where he was standing and sure enough, he was gone.

My hands dropped from my face as I let out the biggest smile and turned around before screaming. "WE JUST KISSED! AAAAHHHH!" The loudest screams I had were let out towards the city as I let myself fan girl laughing and hold where my heart was at.

"This is the best day of my life!"


That night I did not expect to be surprised by so many things. One, Shinichi and I shared our first kiss together. Second, I did not expect to see both Yumi Frego and Abe Yamaki together here. Actually, I should have it only makes sense for both of them to be here since their fathers are the event organizers. My eyes traveled across the countless people swarming Mr. Frego and Mr. Yamaki. 

 Standing here by the snacks and Shinichi, I could tell something clearly. All of their smiles were fake, forced for the media. I glance to Shinichi who was also watching them. Looking down, I reach over and take his hand in mine. This caused him to look at me. I give him a small smile before looking back at the swarm. "It's weird isn't it?" I asked Shinichi, watching as Mr. Frego smiled and waved at the flashing cameras. 

"Something about them is off, you noticed it right?" Nodding my head to Shinichi's words, I clear my throat turning to face him instead. "Chiyo told me in my dream to find the Sakura tree, the biggest one. If my theory is correct, I think she's somewhere in this building." Shinichi eyes me before walking, gently pulling me with him. 

We head to a quiet corner away from everyone. Before turning to speak to me. "Do you remember what Sonoko said?" He asked me, I think back to when were in the elevator. I turned to him, "Yeah. What about it?" 

"Mr. Ender is the investor, right? And Kuma-san is his ex-wife and she told you that Chiyo has not been seen by Kuma-san in a long time. This makes me think that Mr. Ender did something to her. And here is he, acting as if nothing is wrong." Shinichi explains. I looked around, watching the workers, they had all keycards on them. Hanging by the side.

"Shinichi, we have to investigate the building. I'm sure we can find something about Chiyo." I slowly let go of his hand, slightly cocking my head towards the workers who had keycards. Shinichi seemed to have understood what I was hinting at. "Right." 

I noticed something, Abe was walking into the bathroom. I quickly walked after her, leaving Shinichi to do what he was going to do. Walking into the bathroom, Abe was washing her hands. I walk to the sink next to her. I washed my hands as well, the bathroom was silent and nobody but us two were inside. 

My mind raced to find a way to start some sort of conversation with her, if I could find something to help us then we could make a move. But suddenly, the sink next to me was turned off. Abe shook off her hands, before looking at me. I freeze, the water running on my unmoving hands. 

"You know, sometimes I just want her to disappear." I give Abe a slightly confused look. I turn the water off. Turned to her, her gaze cold and gone of any emotions. I couldn't tell what she was thinking. "What do you mean?" I asked in my child-like voice, her tone cold. She gives me a scoff. 

"You can stop pretending to be a kid, It's annoying." I drop my act, staring into her eyes. I cross my arms. But surprised that she knew that I was not a kid. Leaning a bit against the sink. She turned to me, her hands behind her back. She slightly towered over me. "How did you know?"

She eyed me, before turning to look in the mirror. Speaking the words that made my heart skip a beat in fear and surprise. "I'm just like you. A teenager shrank into this pathetic body of a child." She slightly pokes the mirror, pointing at herself. I watch her actions, feeling uneasy. 

"Yumi Frego, daughter of Asashi Frego. It'd be better if she wasn't in the way, don't you think?" She tilts her head, shivers run down my spine. Her cold dead eyes stared into mine. Never seemed to blink once since we started this conversation. "Are you saying you want her gone?" I asked her, my hands uncrossing as they fell to my sides. 

She smirks, turning to me and stepping closer. "You're not as stupid as I thought you were." I stare at her, taking a step forward. Her smirk never left her lips. Only staring down at me, towering over me with power but I didn't back down that challenge. It didn't matter if she was taller, I was not afraid of her.

"Neither are you. You acted like a kid to fool others but you're like a snake. Seeking power right?" I tilt my head a bit at her, giving her the same treatment she was giving me. She chuckles slightly. Stepping away and walking away. I turned and watched her. Her hand reaches for the bathroom door handle but she stops. Looking at me and saying, "If you want to find her, you're going to have to try harder, Y/n-san." 

Once she was gone, my hands stopped being fists, I looked down at my palms now noticing how I had started digging my nails into the skin. I grit my teeth before turning and running my hand under the water. Abe's words ran in my head. I smirk slightly, "So it is as I thought. Chiyo is here." Looking up in the mirror, I see myself, my older self watching me. Following along with my actions. 

"Don't worry Abe Yamaki, I'm going to make this fun for you." 


To Be Continued

Written & Uploaded: 10/23/2023

Until next time, My Case Solvers!

Signed: (っ◔◡◔)っ ♥ Esme The Author ♥

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