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Hello everyone, I wanted to talk to you guys about something important. I understand most of you were expecting a chapter today and I apologize. Though I will explain momentarily while I didn't update today.

Just yesterday, my dad had to go to the hospital. He recently went to Mexico for day of dead. My grandmother, she passed away about a year or two ago. Sadly, she passed away in a car crash. It was one of the most heartbreaking moments of my life.

My grandmother was like a mother to me, my mom she's Mexican but at the time she couldn't come to America. This was when I was about 6-8 years old, my father would always need to work and he would leave me and siblings at her house.

My grandmother would take care of us well, so I hope you understand that when I lost her I went into a stage of depression. My father had blamed himself for the accident because he was the one who let my grandmother and my grandfather return to Mexico.

They were here to visit us but they had to go, so when we received the news of their passing everything went downhill. We went to Mexico for the funereal and it was just one of the worst moments of my life. My grandfather looked so heartbroken and lost, I thought to myself why did this happen and whose going to take care of him?

Later on through out the days he started taking care of himself and we had to leave back home. Now back to the present, since my father went this year to Mexico for the day of the dead he might have gotten bit.

Currently in Mexico there is a sickness being passed down by mosquito bites. Its called the Dengue, many of you might have heard of it but I don't know. We believe he got bit and my mom had to take him to the hospital yesterday. 

The Dengue can not be passed around by human transaction but only by the bite of the mosquitoes. If you believe you have any sickness please seek medical attention immediately

Dengue: It is caused by one of the four closely related dengue viruses which is transmitted through mosquitoes. Sudden onset of high fever, headache especially at the back of the eyes and joint pain are the commonly observed symptoms. Treatment is usually supportive. It involves fluids and blood transfusion.


Sudden onset of very high feverSevere headache usually at the back of eyesVomitingMuscles and joints becomes painfulDevelopment of skin rashesFatigueSkin rashMild bleeding

My mom toke him to the hospital and I had to stay home with my sisters and my brother. Though it wasn't the best day, after I had gotten out of the shower I was hit with a wave of fever. I was cold yesterday and I had to take medicine. Through out the night I did not feel well at all. I am writing this message to you guys saying that I apologize for not updating and to please be patient for a bit.

I woke up a bit better today but I was still cold and I felt dizzy. Don't worry, your girl won't go down that easily. Though, I don't know when I will be able to update. I will try but please forgive me if its messed up or something. I have to take care of my school work, my outside school activities and then also my family. 

Since my dad can not go to work, I am thinking of going to work instead of him. He seemed really sad the other day. I don't want to let him down or anyone else but I feel bad for not being able to do much. 

Once again, I apologize and I thought I should let you guys know because your like my family. Don't worry I will take care of myself and rest when I need to. Your girl is strong and I will fight off any sickness. 

Incase your in a bad mood or having a rough time, I'm sorry that's happening. But don't worry, everything will get better whether you believe it or not. I understand these times are really tough but we have to work together as human beings. We have to take care of ourselves and those around us.

So I ask you, please take care of yourselves and don't lose hope. There is always hope and light even though we could be surrounded my darkness. In a world full of darkness there is always hope there. Thank you for understanding and I will be going to sleep for a bit.

Until next time, Case Solvers.

Signed: (っ◔◡◔)っ ♥ Esme The Author ♥

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