.The Void.

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Recap of the Last Chapter:

"What did you think about Kuma-san?" I asked as I looked forward to seeing a car go by.

"She a good person and that's for sure but I do feel bad that she does not have her daughter with her. Her husband should have never taken her away."

I looked over at him, he was serious. I was serious as well, I just wondered how Chiyo was and if this experiment that was done to her had hurt her in any way.

"I'm worried for Kuma-san. She deserves to see her child. If I had children of my own. I would never let them get hurt. I would never let anybody take them either. But since Kuma-san has no clues where they may have taken her child...she's lost hope of seeing her."

I felt the tears in my eyes, thinking about that type of situation makes my heart hurt. There's no reason for her husband to have done anything like that. No reason for him to have taken Chiyo as a tester for the experiment.

The main question is, Why did this all happen to her, and....why do I somehow feel connected to it?


"Hello?" I call out looking around where I was. Although there was nothing here.

"Can anybody hear me?" I turn in a different direction trying to see if there is anything...anything at all.

The silence is what is deadly, I was afraid. How did I even get here? What is going to happen to me?


I turn in the direction of the voice, I see nothing but darkness in front of me. "H-Hello? Is someone there?" I called out again trying to find the source of the voice.


There it was again, the same voice. I move in the direction I heard it speak. I kept walking calling out so the voice could hear me.

"I'm here! I'm coming towards you. Please hold on!" I called out rushing towards the darkness. But then as I took another step forward I see something.

It was like a mirror but it extended out for who knew how long. I stopped to look at it, left and right. The mirror seemed to extend far out. 

I can see myself in it, I was standing there. Just looking into the mirror, I walk forward carefully until I was face to face with the mirror.

I examined myself, I looked exactly how I thought I did. Just like when I was a kid, though the only thing that didn't match was the long white dress I wore. It is simple and plain, A white nightgown.

I reached out to touch the glass, my image doing the same. Just as I touched the glass I flinch back from the crack in the glass.

I stepped back shocked, the figure...the image of my younger self...was no more.

Instead, there stood a little girl, one I have seen before. But...where have I seen her?

"Help me...please...I want to go home."

The girl spoke, her voice cracked like she was crying. Her eyes looked drained beyond life, almost soulless. 

"Who are you? Why are you stuck here?" I asked her as she just looked at me. Then she spoke, "I want to see my mommy...why..."

"Your mother? What's your mother's name?" From the girl's eyes fell the drops of tears, she was broken. "I want to leave. Please help me. Find the Sakura Tree."

"Sakura Tree?" Just then I remembered who she was...it's her...it's Chiyo.

"Chiyo?" I called to her as her eyes lit up just a bit. "You know....my name." She reached out to the glass as her hand pressed against the broken glass spot.

"I want to go home. I want to see my mother. Please help me escape from here." She pressed her hand harder on the glass, I step forward again and slowly place my hand on the glass.

I didn't feel anything, it just felt like a barrier but there was no glass, or I didn't feel it. "How do I get you home? How can I get Kuma-san here....Chiyo. Where are you?" Chiyo looked back behind her shoulder before turning back.

"Find the Sakura Tree. The biggest Sakura Tree you can find. I want to see my mother. I've been here for far too long. I wish to return to reality." Her hand dropped to her side as she backed up.

"What do you mean to find the Sakura Tree? How will I know when I find it? Hey!" Chiyo turned and walked away from where I was. I pressed myself against the glass as I banged my fist into it.

"CHIYO!" I screamed her name out but she was far away now. Her figure disappeared into the darkness. She was gone, How would I ever find the sakura tree she spoke of?

How do I even leave this place?

It was like my question was answered because before I knew it I was falling. The floor under me had shattered.

I was falling but I don't know where I was falling to. I turn to look under me and there a bright light was there.

I turned back to look up as I reached a hand forward hoping that just maybe...I could have taken Chiyo with me as I was sucked into the light.


To be continued.


Hello everyone, I don't know when this chapter is coming out but if you are seeing this then it's out! If the chapter is out then that means I have written the whole book but now I am just editing something before publishing everything else.

I want to thank you all for your amazing support even though I have been gone for a WHILE.

Adult life is sadly at the edge of my day, I am taking my education very seriously since I am soon going to graduate and I want to at least get this book completed by then. In the future, I don't know if I will ever write another book because College will be my main focus.

I will however do daily updates on the tab for conversations so drop by and check it out once in a while. Say Hello while you are at it.

I won't be gone forever but I will be very busy, this upcoming spring break I will try to get chapters out to you guys. Again, I apologize for not updating. I love story writing, I truly do but my schedule has been busy.

But, I just want to thank you guys for the support. You guys are awesome. I'm very grateful that this book has actually gotten somewhere. I've never expected people to actually like my story but hey, there are always surprises out there.

Thank you for 23.5K reads, 876 votes, and for everybody who has been enjoying it. Thank you for taking time out of your day to read my book. I very much appreciate it. YOU GUYS ARE AWESOME.

Anyways, that's it for now.

Until next time, My Case Solvers!

Signed: (っ◔◡◔)っ ♥ Esme The Author ♥

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