.Cherry Tower.

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Recap of last chapter: 

"I wanted to inform you that the plan has been set to motion. Kaito Kuroba has been in touch with Ms. L/n." The man with the hat said and the man nodded as they kept conversing about the plan.

"Inform Dr. L/n about Project 001, the project is fully ready and prepared for launch." The man in the hat informed as the main boss nodded once more. He signaled to another guy behind the screen as he looked back to the man in the hat.

"We sent someone to inform Dr. L/n. Mr. Ender, we want you to keep an eye on Ms. L/n and Kaito Kuroba." The man's voice was deep as the man in the hat stood up and bowed, the men behind the man in the hat followed suit bowing to the main boss.

"The Beginning of Project 001 has started."


"Daddy, what is Project 001?" The young child asked as she looked up at her dad. Her father looked down at her softly. He smiled as he picked her up as she giggled.

"How about we go out and have some fun today?" Her father asked moving some hair away from her face as she looked at him. Her eyes shined as she nodded with an innocent smile. 

The father stood up as he put the girl down onto the floor gently. The girl followed behind her father as they walked down the hallway. A man in glasses opened the door to the room the girl and the father were in.

"Sir, we have reports on Project 001." The man said as the girl peeked her head behind her father's leg. The man looked down slightly noticing the little girl, "You can leave the report on my desk. I will be leaving for a bit." The father informed the man in glasses.

The father smiled down at the little girl as they left the building with some guards. They walked towards the car that was awaiting them. The father opened the door for the little girl as he helped her get on.

Once everything was settled the driver drove off towards the destination the father had asked for. The little girl looked out the window as she watched building going by. She loved going out and exploring but her father or someone they trusted had to be with her.

As the car pulled up to the destination the girls eyes shone brighter then ever. The girl had only visited the building once. She was always asking her father to take her but the father was always busy. 

She looked back at her father who smiled sweetly at her, she jumped up in her seat as the car parked. The father's door opened being held by a helper, the father got out being followed by the daughter. 

As they got out the girl was laughing as she ran up the steps of the building. The father called out to her to be careful as he chased after her. As the girl arrived to the top of the staircase she waited for her dad. She giggled waving her hand in the air as her father approached her.

"You ready?" The father asked as the girl jumped up and down in her spot. The father opened the door as the girl ran inside rushing towards the elevator. The father was at the front desk greeting the receptionist as they signed papers. 

The father walked over to his daughter who was waiting on him, he pressed the button near the metal doors as they heard a small ding. The metal doors open as they walked inside, the daughter held the father's hand as the elevator closed.

When it closed the elevator moved upward as the daughter held her father's hand tight. A few seconds later and then the elevator stopped moving. The small ding sound came back as the girl smiled as the door's opened. Just as the doors open her eyes shone with the brightness of the room. 

The girl let go of her father's hand as she ran out into the open space, she ran with her hands open laughing and giggling. The father walked out as he went towards the middle of the room, there a small bench. In the small lake infront of the bench were some ducks. The room was surrounded by cherry blossoms. 

The girl loved coming here even though it was her second time visiting. The first time the little girl had visited was on her 5th birthday. The little girl had wanted to visit somewhere with a lot of pink. That place was Cherry Tower, the most private but beautiful place in Tokyo by far. 

As the girl danced around or played, the father watched her. His smile was bright...at least it was for a moment. His smile stayed but deep down he was saddened. This might as well be the last time he is seeing his daughter.

The father looked at his daughter with sad eyes, the daughter had no idea what was going to happen to her within a span of a few days. "I'm sorry, I hope you forgive daddy for what I am going to do." The father thought to himself sadly. 



Pulling up with another update, I know I know. I'm the best ( •̀ ω •́ )

I hope you guys enjoyed today's chapter. As you see I uploaded two times...well yesterday and today. As you can see this was more of a past chapter before things went down. I hope you have everything buckled up. I know we haven't gone to the Main Character (you) in a while but don't worry. You will come back soon, I was just putting up some things. 

I saw that no one had commented on the Morse Code, I know its a bit hard but I believe in you guys. Yall are going to be shocked when you find out what it is. ( •̀ ω •́ )✧

Anyways, I hope your happy today. Don't worry I will try my best to update more often. Also can I get some F's in the chat for your dear Author. I'm going to perform a guitar song tomorrow and I'm hella nervous.

Until next time, Case solvers.

Signed: (っ◔◡◔)っ ♥ Esme The Author ♥

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