Drowned Pt.1

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Hello Everyone! Here is my first attempt at a Case! Its probably going to be trash but let's hope I get better at writing them. :D Enjoy!


"F/n!" I turn to Ran who is in the living room getting our thinks prepared. "Yes, Ran-neechan?" I question as I walk over. "Do you know where I left my flipflops?" She asked. I think back and than I remember, "Ran-neechan! You left them under your bed last night!" I explain to her and she thanks me running to her bedroom. Today's Saturday and Sonoko, Ran-Chan's friend asked invited us to the pool in a near by Luxury Hotel. I was really nervous, I walked to my bedroom and I turn the knob. Jimmy wasn't here because he was out with Professor Agasa. I look into my bag and I make sure I have everything ready. "F/n! Come on its time to go!" I grab my backpack and I than put it on my shoulders and I head out to the living room. "Conan-kun said he will meet us there, You have his clothes packed right?" I nod with a smile, It was so embarrassing going through his clothes to find some swimwear. 

"Okay, F/n please help me with the bags, Sonoko is waiting for us outside" Ran-chan instructs and I grab a bag heading outside behind Ran-chan. We walk down the stairs and when we got to the bottom floor I was surprised. "Sonoko!" Ran-chan ran towards Sonoko and hugged her. They started talking about how excited they were to swim. I was busy looking at the luxuries car. "Oh F/n!" I turn towards Sonoko and I smile. "Hi Sonoko-neechan!" She smiles and helps me with the bags. "Okay come guys let's go!" Sonoko got into the car, I was carried into the car by Ran-chan. I sat on Ran-chan's lap and I looked outside the window hearing their conversation. "I can't wait! I haven't gone to a pool in so long" Ran-chan explained. "I know! You should've invited  Jimmy" I turn at the name Jimmy. "I tried calling him but he doesn't pick up!" Ran-chan looked at her phone with sadness and a bit of anger.

"Ran-neechan! I'm sure he isn't doing it on purpose!" I assure Ran-chan. "Do you think so F/n?" She looks at me with hope. I nod with a smile, "Jimmy-kun sounds like a cool guy! I don't think a cool guy would ignore a cool girl!" I giggle and Ran-chan laughs a bit with a smile. "I guess your right" She smiles, I relax...I swear he isn't ignoring you Ran-chan...If only he could explain what happened...but we can't for our safety a long as everyone else we know. They continued talking about things and than I got a flashback.


*Ring* *Ring* I rush up to the rooftop and sit down, I turn my phone on and I look at the number and it was Ran-chan. I breath in and out before answering. "Hello?" I say trying to act in my normal voice. "Hey Y/n! How are you? I haven't seen you since the Amusement park" Ran-chan sounded worried. "I'm okay Ran-chan. I just had to leave early because I'm traveling right now" I lied.  "Oh I'm sorry for disturbing you, I was just wondering if you could come to the pool with Sonoko and I but your traveling" I felt guilty. "Its okay Ran-chan, You didn't know. How's everyone?" I ask with concern. "Everything's fine, Just that Jimmy went missing" I had to act shocked. "What?! Missing?!" I had to hold in my laughter as well since I found it funny for some unknown reason. "Well not missing but he's been gone a really long Case" She explained that the same day at the Amusement Park he went on the case. She wounded worried and she also said she missed him.

"Its okay, Ran-chan! Jimmy wouldn't abandon you like that, I'm sure he has an explanation for what he is doing" I assure her. I heard her sight through the phone, "Yeah, I'll call you later Y/n. Enjoy your time, Safe Travels" I smiled. "Thank you, Ran-chan. Call soon" With that I hung up on her and I turned my phone off. I hate feeling guilty but...What else could I do? "F/n! Come on and get ready! We are going to the Pool with Sonoko!" I yelp surprised but I hurry to the door. "Coming Ran-neechan!"

*End of Flashback*

"F/n! Look we are here!" I get snapped back to reality and I look towards the Hotel. It sure is Luxurious. We park and some men in suits came outside to take our luggage. "Sorry Gentlemen, but we came here for the Pool. Here, a tip for hard work" Sonoko gave the two bell boys a tip before they bowed and returned inside happily. "Wow Sonoko-neechan! Can I have some too?" I say with a smile. Sonoko looked panicked, I giggled. "I was just joking, Sonoko-neechan" She sighted and I just grab my backpack before heading inside holding onto Ran-Chan's hand. "Woah!" Ran-chan said surprised. I looked up and everywhere. It was really pretty. "Come on! The pool is this way" We followed Sonoko and we entered the pool zone I was surprised at how big it was. "Wow! Its huge!" I exclaim. "Its sure is! Come on let's go change" We went towards the girl bathroom and than we got into a stall and started changing.

I changed into a one piece, It was white with blue and Yellow Flowers. I than wear my Flipflops and I head outside. I wait by the restroom door and than I hear some yelling coming from the lobby, Since I am a Detective in study I hurry over to the yelling and than I notice a couple. "URGH, Why are these Bell Boys so Slow!" The Woman with Blonde hair yelled. "Sata! They are doing their best please don't yell" The man tried to calm down the woman. "Ugh, Just up already" The woman walked away with the man following behind her as the Boy bells hurried with the luggage in their hands. I than felt a hand grab me by my arm and I look up to see Sonoko. "Come on F/n! Ran and I are already get inside" Sonoko started running as I got picked up and than dragged over by Ran. 

"Ran-neechan!" I exclaimed as Sonoko put me down. "F/n, Sonoko and I are going into the pool want us to take you inside?" She crouched down to my level. "No thank you Ran-neechan." I smile brightly and than she patted me head and said, "Okay, just stay where I can see you okay" She demanded and I nodded. Sonoko and Ran-chan went into the pool, I walked over to  the edge and I sat down on the side as I dipped my feet inside. Its kind of weird since no one is question a little kid near the pool. I splashed the water with my feet as I enjoyed it, Just than someone called out to me. "F/n!" I look up at the person and I notice Jimmy in swimming shorts and a blazer on him. I blushed and than he came up to me, "Where is Ran and Sonoko?" He questioned. "...*Blush deeply* T-They are o-over there" I point towards Sonoko and Ran-chan who were having fun in the water.

"Why aren't you inside with them?" He sat down next to me and I just looked down. "O-Oh its nothing...I-I'll get inside later" I smile at Jimmy as he raised a brow. "Can you swim?" He said bluntly. "Huh?!" I exclaimed loudly, I blush and look back down at my feet in the water. "N-No...I can't swim" I move my feet in the water. Then, Jimmy grabbed my hand and pulled me up. I looked at him surprised. "I'll teach you!" He smiled. I blushed. "O-Okay" He dragged my near to a kiddy pool and I was scared to just step into the water. "Okay, I'll help you learn the basic's the rest is on your. Y/n don't be scared...I'll hold you hand while you go inside" I watched as Jimmy got into the water as he held my hand. I got scared but I stepped inside and it was deep enough for me. He started telling me to learn how to float first and than we can continue.

Jimmy was instructing me on how to swim and I was kind of getting the movement. Than we got out of the kiddy pool since Ran-neechan and Sonoko were calling us over. "Hey Hey! You kids seemed to be enjoying your little moment over there" Sonoko smirked. "Huh?" I said loudly, "Sonoko-neechan! It wasn't like that!" Conan exclaimed loudly. "Sure~" Sonoko and Conan started a bit of a staring contest and I just sighted. "Ran-neechan I'm going to change okay?" I looked up at Ran-chan and she nodded. "Okay, come back soon" I nodded and started heading towards the changing room. I was looking down a bit and I was thinking back to Jimmy teaching me how to swim. I than heard someone yelp a bit and I looked up to see the lady from the lobby slipping towards me. I froze, "WATCH OUT!" The man yelled and than the lady fell on top of me as we headed straight to the pool.

I felt the cold water hit my back as I fell deeper into the water, I struggled to get to the surface. I looked towards the lady to see her laying on the bottom of the swimming pool. I was slowly going deeper and deeper when someone dove into the pool and I was getting dizzy. I couldn't see the person but they grabbed onto me and started moving. I was about to pass out when we reached the surface and I started coughing up the water. "F/N!" I heard yelling and I look towards my right to see Sonoko, Ran-chan and Jimmy running towards me. I got laid down on the floor and I was still coughing up water. "H-help! T-the *cough* L-Lady! *Cough* bottom o-of the *cough* pool!" I tried explaining and than someone dove back into the pool. I was worried for the lady so I turn to look at the pool surface to see her getting dragged up. "MA'AM! ARE YOU OKAY?" They brought her up to the surface and laid her down, I watched as they started doing CPR on her but she wouldn't budge. Someone was holding me as I watched, "She's dead!" They exclaimed loudly as people screamed and gasps. 


To be continued.

I tried doing the beginning of the case so hopefully you guys enjoyed it so far. I will be uploading the next part soon so be ready to be confused!

Signed: (っ◔◡◔)っ ♥ Esme The Author ♥

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