52. This wasn't normal

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Six days they made us stay, six very long days and nights. I wasn't fairing well by the time they decided we could go home a week after a Eric had made his surprise appearance. They said I couldn't have over night visitors, so I spent a lot of time on FaceTime to either max or Matty. Max even pulled an all-nighter the first night. He'd been literally waiting by the door each morning to be let in for partner visiting hours. I was surprised he hadn't been late once, I'm fairly sure he had ten alarms and all the boys helping him making sure he left the house on time. He'd arrive with food parcels from milo and then a steady stream of family on rotation during normal visiting hours. I'd been FaceTimed into new year, twice, once with the boys and the other with peter.

"Morning baby" Max's cheeky face popped round the door "how you feeling?"
"Nervous" I nodded honestly. Checking Eric for the thousandth time.
"Hey, he's fine, I asked the nurse on the way in. They said he had a really good night. Hello mate, hey, you miss me huh? I missed you. Come on up you come to daddy, hello little man. Happy one week birthday dude, you a big boy now huh, you daddy's big boy." Max fussed picking Eric up. "We got the all clear after the next checks, they said it's just a formality. Your bloods looked good so did little mans. Sorry buddy, daddy couldn't watch them do that to you, no I couldn't. They hurt my little buddy didn't they."

"Hey kiddo" Matty sauntered in shutting the door "they let me in early today as you're going home, help you pack up, got his car seat, I came in with max." Matty plonked it on the bed. I rocked it gently with my hand, looking at the empty space inside it, seeing Arthur's face looking back at me, I screwed my eyes shut tapping my hand.
"It's ok baby, it's a good one. I asked for the best one for a premie, it's got a little insert cushion thing to make him fit better, I double checked with that nice nurse before I bought it. He might be my one week old big boy but he's still a teenie eh." Max rubbed my cheek softly "you need a change little man, your itty bitty butts warm, right between daddy and uncle Matty let's see if we can get it right this time eh."

"Was she holding him or was he in the box again when you came in?" Matty whispered
"In his box." Max whispered back sadly "she was sat checking on him though."
"Let's get them home eh. Being on her own really hasn't helped."
"Emmy, can you check this please, I don't want it falling off again" Max called over "I think I did it too loose again, I don't want to do it too tight in case I squish him."
"They're big on him anyway max" I tightened the nappy "I ran out of the premie ones. They only had normal sized ones."
"You should have texted baby, I stocked up. At least I think I did. I had to go back and change a bunch of stuff because Sandra said it was the wrong size. He's too small for newborn. Well I sent Jack."
"No ones twigged yet Jem. We've managed to get in and out without being spotted. You'll have to announce little Eric at some point I would imagine unless you want it leaked. People need to know. Family and friends."

"I rang William." I nodded sadly
"Oh" max tried to dress Eric "dude arm in the hole! I'll roll it, don't argue with me boy! He's got some attitude on him for someone so small. How'd he take it? William?"
I shrugged, in all honesty I'm not sure what I was expecting. I hadn't spoken to him in a while, just texting. I think he had company over and I wasn't sure how I felt about that if i was honest. I didn't expect him to be anything but supportive. He offered to help in anyway he could and to just give him a call. He even asked if he could visit the hospital. I brushed him off, one knowing max would be pissed. two, like my brother said we'd so far managed to keep Eric a secret. Three, I'd heard max say he hoped he didn't turn up because people might think eric was his as we hadn't gone officially public yet. William seemed disappointed but was still keen to come visit and meet Eric once we were back hame and settled. Maybe when Peter was coming over, that would be less awkward. Although I'm not sure how long he's back for, I was feeling guilty I hadn't seen him much the last few months, but I knew max had a problem with it. I realised speaking to him that I missed him.

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