51. I just want my boy to be happy

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"I think she's dozed off again. She's exhausted, I love you Emmy" Max kissed Jem's head sweetly "I have no problem with it guys, so as long as Matty says it's cool."
"I thought I'd put my foot in it earlier." I cried wiping my eyes having a hug from Ralph, who'd told me in the car not to call them grandparents unless she asked or said first, that they regarded themselves as such and would act as so but not impose the title on us as it was a personal choice for me and Jem to make, preferably together so we were both on the same page. "Of course. She's accepted you as our parents dad. This just confirms it. I've wanted it for so long. To bring her home to be part of my new family."

"We know son. We're not going anywhere you hear me. We're here for all of you. You too max, you're family now boy y default." Ralph pulled max into our hug being careful not to squish the baby "I'll be having words with you later though you over eager beaver." He teased
"My max can't take all the blame here. She could have at least told him! Look at his head! It's damaged enough with out blows to it!" Jackie huffed. I watched Henry look away sadly, biting his tongue. I shook my head disappointed, Ralph tapping me, shaking his head in a warning not to blow up.

"Mum she didn't know, I told you that. Here dad you want...whoah" Max flustered letting out a large tic, clutching the baby to his chest. "Quick take him for me." He hurried over to his dad.
"Max, just relax" Henry took the baby "hello handsome. Definitely see you in him boy. No mistaking that scruffy hair. So what did they say max?"
"Cryptic pregnancy they called it, he was laying inwards and longways or something. Her PTSD masked the pregnancy symptoms, although thinking back some were staring us in the face, even Matty said so." He chuckled. "Same with early labour signs her brain just tuned out. She was bloody fantastic dad. So brave. She had no pain relief or anything. I go and faint and have to have stitches" he rolled his eyes smirking "I think it's sinking in now."

"she didn't ask to hold him Matty." Max commented worriedly
"I know, I noticed, just give her time, she's exhausted mate, iron is low which isn't going to help. She will. Remember what the PTSD nurse said, they sent someone down to talk to us. Said to expect a little kick back. Some triggers from Arthur, the emotional flashbacks, she said to expect some thoughts of guilt. At least we know eh max. They're setting up a team for when we get home, regular visits. Going to be coming in to help prepare her before she leaves."
"They won't take him will they dad?" Max asked sadly rubbing his son's head "I'm clueless but I'll learn. I want to keep him."

"No ones taking him off you max" Henry said firmly "you got the whole family behind you boy. You're gonna be a great dad max. Don't doubt yourself so much, like just then, did you drop him? No. Did you hurt him? No. You're tired and anxious, understandably. That always makes them worse. Give it a few days and the tics will settle again. You'll learn ways around it son, I promise I'll help you alright."
"Thanks dad, I won't let you down, or my little man. What about Elvis?" He asked looking the baby over "Nah you don't look like an Elvis little man."

"Well dad is setting up your room max, so you just let us know when they discharge them." Jackie rummaged through her bags bringing a hat over taking the one the baby had on putting the one she bought on instead, that was miles too big for him.
"I bought him that! It's his first hat. it wasn't dirty" max complained snatching it back, swapping it again. I rolled my eyes in angry annoyance turning away with Ralph to try and keep my cool. "There you go little man, it fits better mum, it's from the premature section and it says rockstar on it. It's still a little big but they said we got to keep him warm. Me and Matty found it in the shop downstairs. He is a midnight blue baby after all. Aren't you." Max smiled contently, the pride was radiating from him still. "Wait what do you mean my room? You can't move things in our room mum. It should be locked. Please tell me you didn't touch or move our bed."
"Jackie please not today." Henry whispered at her pleadingly "for me, please. He's a new anxious dad in shock still."

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