Chapter 64: Faithful Liars

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If you could be one animal, what would it be?

Me: A snow leopard


"Can you repeat that? I think my ears are broken!" I say in a fit of...confusion.

Dom clears his throat, "your kind, loving, innocent father is going to you know...pew skrrappp your mom." He smiles.

The sound affects made me want to punch him.
In the asophicus.

"And why are you so nonchalant about it?" I question him.

"Because she deserves it." He raises an eyebrow.

"You didn't even know her to judge her actions." I roll my eyes at him.

"I know what she did too you and that's enough for me to despise her." He confesses.

"Dom, she's my mom. Regardless of everything I can't betray her." I tell him.

Clearly not getting where I was coming from, "she's a manipulative, evil bitch. Betraying her is the least she deserves." He tells me sort of aggressively.

"I'm not having this conversation with you." I storm out ready to run a storm on my father.

Maybe the reason I walked out was because a part of me believed he was right, but I simply can't do that to her.
I'm a better person than she is and I won't loose my morals to reach her standards.
Absolutely not.

"ESCOBAR." I yell approaching the dining area.

"Look who's returned." He groans rolling his eyes.
Yes he is a grown man, one that's just tired of my bullshit.

"Don't give me that linguine, you are under no circumstances allowed to touch my mother." I warn him.

"Who told you about that?" He startles.

"Told her about what?" Natalia jumps in.

"Spaghetti Bolognese over here is planning on killing our mother's." I inform her.

"To be fair, he has good intentions." Adriano invasively says.

"Shut up Dora." I metaphorically shove him out the conversation.

He shut up.
"Yeah know best." I draw my attention away from him yet Natalia's beady eyes stare into his soul.

"Why the fuck would you do that? I'm your daughter and she's my mother." I growl at him.

"Sienna watch your language when you talk to me!" He warns me, his voice stern startling me.
"And I'm doing this because your my daughter, as long as shes alive she's a danger too you."

"She took me away from here to protect me, she won't hurt me." I attempt to argue his valid points.

"SHE ALREADY HAS!" Dominico barges into the dining area.

"He's right, look at you! Everything bad that has happened is because of that bitch and you would still protect her?" Christian announces.

By now you should know situations like this are very...normal at our family dinners but everyone in this room was considered our closest family and friends so we were comfortable in a sense.

"But why mine?" Natalia finally brings her eyes away from Adriano.

"Nat, you are a part of this family now, meaning it's my duty to protect you as well.
Your mother put you in harms way the same as Siennas." My dad tells her.

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