Chapter 49: I'll find my way back too you

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Does anyone watch Euphoria?

That show is so trippy but I'm obsessed with it!!

Anyway I'm fucking scared to write this chapter plus I just got my nails done so it's hard to type lmao.

But let's go


Sienna's POV:

My head fucking hurts.

Sienna your head always fucking hurts.

Because my subconscious is always fucking coming for me.
Stupid hoe.

Let me fill you in on the past few hours...when I awoke, I found myself deserted in a rundown room where I was unwillingly bound to the wall.

So much was happening to my body, my throat was dry and raspy, my skin felt tight and I was past the verge of dehydration!
In simpler terms, I felt like absolute shit.

As you are all informed of my abnormal past, you would know that the average methods of 'kidnapping' do not have the usual effect on me.

So whilst my body began to slowly pass out, I was mentally awake. The easiest way to explain it would be that it felt as if I was in a coma, I could hear and smell everything around me yet I couldn't move.
I know what your thinking.

Isn't that supposed to be a good thing?
In most cases sí.

The only bad thing is that now I'm awake, everything that I had subconsciously heard was slowly drifting away from my memory and the only words and phrases that I do remember happen to be, 'verna", 'shootout',
'War' , oh and they used the word 'whore' a lot.

Assholes better not be referring to me.

Now, I just have my head laid against the wall, mentally analysing the room.
I come to the realisation that, I have no idea how to escape this one.
First of all, I'm fucking chained up, second of all, the door is hard iron, secured and bolted.

So what am I supposed to do? Dig a hole with my acrylics?

Who would even do that?

Ok fine i admit, I did try it.

Hey, desperate measures.
I admit it, I'm not that eager to leave because I want answers and maybe this is the only way I can get them.

These bastards could have at least given me some proper clothes, I'm still in my petite dress from last night.

Nope that's fine, it's always been a dream of mine to catch fucking hypothermia.

I hear the bolted door open, and my favourite person in the world enters.

"I'd be lying if I said that you don't look so damn gorgeous sitting there helplessly." He smiles with a toothpick in between his teeth.

"I don't know what kind of Kinky mess you're into, but it's seriously weird." I raise an eyebrow at him, though inside I feel deeply uncomfortable by his presence.

"Isn't that so." He chuckles.

Um, yes.

"What the fuck do you want with me?" I scowl at him.

"We will get to that later, first it's time for the introductions." He smiles.

"That's easy, I'm Sienna and you're a creepy, perverted...pervert." I roll my eyes.

"That mouth is only going to please me more, when your words turn into begs." He chuckles.

"Beg!" I scoff, "please, don't embarrass yourself."

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