Chapter 32: The Defense Game

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This chapter was actually really fun too write!

I apologise if your name is Julia, that's probably the most hated name from this book.
Apart from Amy...of course.


God, if these men touch me, we are going to have a serious problem.
For them of course. I was already determined that their filthy hands will not taint me and I intend to stick to that.
Even if that means killing them.
Which I would happily do.

That bitch is going to get what's coming too her!
Karma better reach her before I do!

The look that they were giving me made me twitch in my seat, there's one man, I think she called him Roman?
He's the one that took me from the club, I shoot him the most deadly glance I could and saw no sympathy in his eyes.

They urge themselves closer to me, I don't beg for them to spare my innocence, these men are going to do whatever the hell they want to so I won't give them the satisfaction of hearing me plead.

I have to be smarter... How about I manipulate them?
I mean I'm pretty good at acting, ok Sienna put your flirt on and grow some balls.

My death stare changes into a flirtatious smile, catching them off gaurd, they shoot me a confused look, reassuring me that I'm doing ok.

No. I need to slow down or they're going to catch on.
My deep thoughts cause me to unconsciously change between facial expressions numerous times.
Oh god.

"What, I have no problem being taken by you...handsome men." I chuckle biting my lip.

Sienna lying is a sin!
Bitch I'm in the Mafia I won't loose points from lying.

One of them has teeth that look like piano tiles, the other one looks like he has a penis that looks like an elephant trunk and Roman just gives off small dick energy.
Definitely NOT handsome.

"Well then we will get right into it." One of them smirks urging the need for me to puke.
Don't worry, I'll aim it at him.

"Why don't you untie me, better access for you?" I smile.

Roman just chuckles at me, walking behind me, he brings his mouth to my ear, "Do you think I'm stupid sweetheart?" He asks as I shoot him a death stare for good measure.

Apparently so, since I managed to swipe a pocket knife from him as he did that.
I tucked it under my sleeve, wait for the right moment Sienna.

It's hard to be patient when the image of me stabbing his guts out keeps replaying in my mind.

Roman grunts, his body language suggests he is the alpha of the three, the others almost submit to his command.

"Come closer." I say biting my lip urging Roman to take his steps towards me.

I didn't think he was THIS stupid.

His nose almost touches mine, we are inches away from each other.
I guess this is where he expects me to kiss him?

I lean in and lean back in a teasing manner, before opening my mouth and launching spit directly on his face.
Oops, my bad.

"CAGNA." (Bitch) . He shouts slapping me across my face, his connection stings a little but I laugh it off.
Psycho much?

"When I come back, I'm going to take you right here, then my men until you beg for us to stop." He says through his teeth walking out the door.

"Awh did I hurt your feelings?" I pull a sarcastic puppy face at him.

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