Chapter 71: A different Love

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If you could be one character from a TV show who would it be.

I wanna be Hanna Marin from pretty little liars so fucking bad.
She's so Badass brooooo.


The cold, wet air hit me as soon as I stepped off the jet. It was enough for me to get back on and fly home, why the fuck is it so cold?

I noticed a car in front of me and walked towards it cautiously carrying my luggage with me.
"Miss D'Angelo." The man greets me.

"How does Dominico know that I came?" I raise my eyebrow at him.
Because he's a stalker, of course he knows.

"He doesn't, he just sent me here in case you do come. If I'm being honest, he didn't seem to think you would turn up." The man enlightens me.

"Well I'm here now." I shrug.
The flight was only three hours so by the time I had arrived it was around 4:00am. I had briefly slept on the jet so tired wasn't the word, I was more...I just looked like a dragon. Ok?

But I think I'm past the point of looking nice to impress someone. Take me how I am, even if I look like a terror-dactyl.

The drive to Dom's apartment was terrible, I had second thoughts the whole way. It wasn't regret, it was more worry and anxiousness but I knew I couldn't turn back now. Though, I didn't want to...

London looked pretty in the night, the lights were vibrant it reminded me of New York but here it felt more new. In a good way, it felt like a fresh start and a time to fullfill opportunities.

Sienna you sound like a fucking fortune cookie.

The drive soon came to an end and my nerves engulfed me as we pulled up to his apartment.
From the outside it look pretty, it gave me a sense of nostalgia. It looked vintage yet modern.
I cautiously walked through and up the stairs until I came to his door.

Fuck. FUck. FuCk.

Before reaching it, I heard clattering that startled me causing me to do a 180 turn.
Sienna, gangster up.

What the fuck is he doing in there? Breakdancing?

I noticed the latch was down so I managed to get in.
How fucking unsafe of him! Does he want to get robbed by road men?

It wasn't the beautiful interior that caught my eyes first, nor was it the grande view from the window. Instead it was the smashed glass that was scattered along the floor.
I treaded carefully and cautiously turned a corner; I saw him.

His hair was pulled back, his shirt was loose and he had both arms pushing down on the counter, his head was bowed down almost like he was catching his breath.

"Dominico." I mutter unwillingly as I watch his head spring up.
I saw something in his eyes, it was dark.
But his distressed look turned to a smile so I pushed it away.

He relaxed and strutted closer, his footsteps were heavy. I did the same only my footsteps sounded like penguins.

We were about a foot apart though none of us dared to step closer.
"You came." He exclaims.
"I didn't think you would."

"I came." I reply though it sounded more like a question.

He reaches up and brushes his hand against my cheek before removing that strand of hair that hand been bugging me and placing it around my ear.

"Bella." (Beautiful). He smirks.
Is that butterflies I am getting.
No Sienna, your stomach is rumbling you fat fuck.

His hand moves around the back of my neck and he ushers me into his chest. His grip was firm but gentle and I felt safe. He always makes me feel safe and sometimes that was all I wanted.

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