Chapter 92: Messages from beyond

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Hey bitches,

It's ok to be sad.
Just remember you're HOT.

Seriyah's daily motivation.


We arrived home late that night, most of us were passed out on the car ride home.
Well there was an exception of me, Diego and Xavier who were throwing skittles into Adriano's open mouth while he peacefully slept.

That eventually came to an end when he woke up chocking. His loud mouth woke Aiden up who's crying was almost ear piercing.

Adriano did the only logical thing of holding him out the window on the highway until he shut up.

I was a proud sister!

I hadn't told anyone that I was engaged-.
God it sounds so weird to say that.
Mainly for the reason that I know it will spark an argument in the car and I'm not too fond over getting into an accident.

It was a privilege to worry about who should play what role though it was still early days.
All I knew is that I wanted a bad bitch wedding.

It didn't need to be big BUT I wanted gun shots to spark out of nowhere and then a mysterious figure to appear from smoke. That mysterious figure would be me, holding two snippet riffles.
Then perhaps I'll shoot the vicar in the chest, for dramatic affect.

Where do I find a suicidal Vicar willing to cooperate?

I'll put Diego on suicidal Vicar finding duty.


"Gimme the damn peanuts bitch." Adriano fights with me at the breakfast table.

"Sienna just give him the nuts, he's clearly lacking in some." Christian scolds us.

This was the first breakfast we had as a family in...forever. It felt good to eat and talk instead of grabbing a piece of toast and disappearing.
Things were beginning to feel like normal.

My right hand was hidden under the table to hide the ginormous diamond from everyone.
Which made it all the more hard to eat with my non-dominant hand.
Everyone was looking at me as if I was an untamed beast.

It's pretty stupid when you think about it though I wasn't in favour of telling everyone together. I don't do well with large amounts of affection at once so my plan was to break it down.
I'd start with Fiorella and Natalia thus getting the most dramatic reactions out of the way.
I would then proceed to Diego and Xavier hoping they don't attack me whilst I share the news.
Finally, I'd finish with my scary brothers.

Emphasis on the scary.

"So do you think Stefano has floated to the bottom of the lake yet?" Diego asks.

My iced coffee came shooting out of my mouth uncontrollably.
I think the whole table went speechless so much so you can hear the ticking of clock from the other room.

I'm going to need a restraining order for Diego's mouth.

I make that my cue to leave having almost died in the tension of that room.
Saving the girls, I drag Fio and Natalia out of that rom. They didn't question my actions, they were rather thoughtful.

"I am genuinely scared for him." Natalia blurts out falling onto my bed.
Aren't we all.

"I need to tell you guys something." I announce.
They stare at me in confusion and curiosity.
"But you can't attack me with excitement and YOU," I point violently at Fio. "Have to keep your mouth shut."

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