Chapter 36: First born

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I have been trying to update every day but I feel like by rushing the chapters they're not as good as they should be so I'm going to start updating every other day.


How hard is it to throw a few knifes and shoot some wack ass targets?
Apparently very hard since I almost got my throat slit five damn times.

"The target is wonky ." This dumb kid complains for the hundredth time.

"No dude your eyes are wonky." I say rolling my eyes at their laziness and lack of effort.

"Xavier?" I whine, "can you sort them out before I end up shooting one of them?" I complain to him. Taking my words very seriously him and Diego remove me from the situation.

I honestly thought that I would enjoy this more, apparently not.
I am usually all for talking and teaching useless specimens about fighting and defence, it's one of the only things that I'm actually good at. However right now my life is a living hell as I'm just stuck in a room with a bunch of spoiled and hormonal teenagers that just want to learn how to beat someone up. Personally, I would love to do that to them myself.

But according to Christian I'm not allowed too.
Dumb rule...I know.

Adding on to my annoyance, Dominico is acting weird and it's frustrating me, like what the hell is up with him?
Putting me in a room with kids right now, is probably not a smart decision.

Analysing everyone else coaching at their stations, they seem to be a doing a lot better job than I was but hey it's my first day I don't think I should be too hard on myself.

Allowing my eyes to further investigate the room, I come to find the only girl in this group who I have come to know as Louisa at a station working alone.

She was focused and engaged on what she was doing. Having said that, she was probably the only one that actually looked committed.
Punching harshly onto the bag, I could see anger and frustration in her face.
In a way, she reminded me of my younger self as she was hard to read but you could tell she had so much emotion built up in her and she looked as if she kept to herself.
It was something about her that intrigued me and that doesn't happen very often.

Allowing my curiosity to get the better of me, I strutted over to her for what reason I do not know.

"Your power and form is good but keep your arm up for defence or you're gonna give him easy access to your face." I tell her, sitting on a chair next to the punch bag.

"Thanks." She replies bluntly, correcting herself.
Not much of a talker I guess?

She goes back to harshly attacking the bag, her punches getting more fierce as she carries on.

"Ok you're going to waste your energy and injure yourself." I say stepping in front of the bag to stop her destroying it.

She attempts to remain straight with me, I can tell she was frustrated with me for intervening but she kept a level of respect.

"Do you need some help?" I ask folding my arms.

"No, I got this on my own." She tells me.

"No you don't." I bluntly reply.
"You have potential, a lot more than the other idiots in this room but you don't know what to do with it or how to use it." I tell her how it is.

"Fair enough." She mumbles just loud enough for me to hear.

"Do you mind me asking why you decided to join? Not much girls in the Mafia choose this way of life." It's true, most of the girls born into this life opt for a calm and comfortable situation, not to be out fighting.

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