Chapter 51: Old friends

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I was rewatching TVD and Matt Donovan makes me want to rip out my eyeballs and burn them <3

What's your dream job?

Me: Dance and acting or just a performer in general.

Dominico's POV:

We scatter through what remains of the treacherous place that we once called home, though we come up with remains, nothing to suggest that they were even here.

I say 'once' but to think we called this place home less than an hour ago.
Look at it now.

After twenty odd minutes of searching, I crawl out of the house in despair and the others follow shortly after. Collapsing to the floor, Xavier cries out and it breaks my fucking heart.
Not Diego, not my brother.
Not Carlos, he was like a...big guy.
I don't know but he was something special.

No one is able to comfort another as we are all equally trying to comprehend this.
From the corner of my eyes I see broken faces and broken souls from Natalia to Xavier to Stefano. Christian gripping onto Fiorella in heartache and Adriano lost in a euphoric mindset. Even Aiden wandering around trying to understand what had happened.

I could have sworn they made it out, I don't know where it all turned to despair!

I put my head in my hands trying to fight back the tears that come with the loss of them. Still at a time like this I can't manage to break my ruthless exterior. Which seems fucking selfish I know.
I'm trying because I know that pain like this can eat you alive but no matter what, I won't break.

"What's all the crying about?" I hear a voice behind me say.

Turning my head I want to leap out and throw this motherfucker in burning traffic.

"What the fuck is wrong with you?!" I shout as I see fear build up in his eyes.

"Damn bro chill, I was getting a hot dog what the fuck?" Diego, YES fucking Diego says.

"What the fuck do you mean?" Stefano shouts, and when Stefano shouts it's fucking scary.

"When me and Carlos came out the house we saw a hot dog van so we went to get some." He explains.

"Are you fucking serious bro?" Xavier yells. "without me?"
"How fucking could you. I thought we were brothers and you went without me?"

Oh my fuck-
Jesus help these infants because I'm so close to ripping their heads off.

Carlos comes strolling towards us,
"Carlos your injured." Christian tells him, still in shock like the rest of us.

"It's just a few third degree burns." He shrugs it off.


Why the fuck am I surprised? It's not like they don't share one brain cell between them.

"Not to spoil the fun but it smells nasty since we are standing outside a burning house so can we go somewhere." Natalia whines.

By this time she's gripping onto Adriano for dear life, it looks as if this explosion has affected her the worst.

Stefano drags Carlos off, most likely to scold him and of course make arrangements since we are currently homeless.

"Yeah you need to see a doctor baby." Adriano tells her.

"Or you could just leave her here, since that's what she did to Sienna." I smile.
Truth hurts.

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