Chapter 78: Endless decisions

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Sorry for taking ages to update.
Diego and Xavier blew up my cat so I was mourning🙄.


"Fuck you for almost dying bro." Xavier yells putting a gun towards Adriano's head.
I mean...ride or die right?

"I thought you would have known that death can't kill me by now." He shakes his head palming it.

"No it can't, but I can." I shoot him a smile from the other end of the room.
"Can you tell us what happened now?"

"Yes, wait till Diego comes back." He ushers me.

I shoot Dominico an 'I'm going to murder my brother' look and he definitely agreed.

"Wait, where's Diego?" My father barges in.

"He just went to the children's ward to bully some kids, he'll be back soon." Christian informs him.

Right because that's definitely normal.

True to Christmas's word, Diego soon entered the room holding a load of sweets.
"Want some, I stole them from a bald kid."

"YOU STOLE THEM FROM A CA-." I had to remove myself from the situation before I threw Diego off of a bridge.

Grabbing the sweets, I return them back to the ward because scurrying back in need to hear Adriano's words.

"Okay, we're all here. Speak." I usher him once again yet he holds his hand out pointing for his phone.

This bitch.
Frustrated and impatient, I grab it off of the side table and hand it to him. His ligaments still seemed stiff and bruised yet he managed to grab it.
He's probably got some CCTV footage or something like that, right?

Adriano scrolls through his phone for a mere minute or two seeming very much intrigued and excited confusing the rest of us as we grow agitated with him.
He soon hands me back the phone and I snatch it out of his grip before bringing my attention to the screen.

I'm going to abort my 23 year old brother.

His phone happens to be on the notes app and all that I see is '👨‍💻🥷🏼💉🧞‍♂️🧜‍♂️⚰️'

On second thoughts, I don't think abortion is a harsh enough way to get rid of him.

"Adriano, I will disintegrate you. TELL ME WHAT HAPPENED!" I threaten him so true to my words.

"Sienna you're so fucking slow." He rolls his eyes.


"I was minding my own business taking over one of dads discrete meetings when a ninja stabbed me with poison. Whilst I was passing out I saw a genie who told me I was socially superior which I knew...of course and then I simply passed out." He announces so casually.

"Crack? Is that what you smoke? Or is it ketamine? Do you smoke ketamine?" Natalia asks urging back the feeling to kill him.

"I actually smoke shweet marijuana love." Adriano smiles innocently.

"Both of you shut the fuck up before I throw you in our torture dungeons." Stefano threatens them.
And to be fair, even I was scared.

What can I say? Big man Stefano is terrifying when he's angry.

"Christian check who the meeting was with." My father demands, i peer over to Christian who is way ahead of us.

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