Chapter 21: The break in

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Guys I felt like I was writing some MI5 secret service type of shit.

This was definitely my favourite chapter to write so far,

Gosh just read it...


Dominico's POV:

She resonated with me in the worst ways, I felt as if I was normal when I was with her. She didn't see me as a killer although she did refer to me as Satin.
That one could be seen as a compliment.

I left her at the dance floor and rushed over towards the back entrance to seek out Christian.
I'd be lying if I said I wasn't angry at myself for leaving. When she asked me why I did, I knew it had impacted her in ways that I wouldn't understand.
It was a dickhead move.

All I could think about for the past few days was Sienna but every time I would try and talk to her she would just disappear into thin air.
Though, I knew I didn't try my best to seek her out, if I really wanted to, I could have found her.

I found Christian, he was passionately hugging Fiorella and telling her to be safe before sending her off to do her duties.
I saw the anxiety in his face though it was buried behind that anger.

"Bro, do you really think it's a good idea to have her distract 6ft security guards?" I question him.

"She won't do anything and neither will they, this is common ground so they can't touch her." He tells me and I nod in response.

We make our way fiercely up to the third floor, I haven't been here since I was a teenager but I remember every inch of this place vividly.
It's one of those things that just stay glued to your mind. Unwillingly.

The commotion downstairs was hectic and  loud, so much so that I could tell Xavier and Diego were attracting a lot of attention. The commotion was enough to satisfy the guests however the third floor was packed with security and we needed a way to get rid of a lot of them.

Someone already had that covered.

Christian whips out his phone and I feel mine buzz.

         Bad Boy Killa's Bang Bang:

Can someone fucking change that name?!

Christian: Do something to attract guards.

Diego: You got it Chrissy

Christian: Don't call me that stupide


Dominico: why the fuck do you have a baby?

Diego: I caught him don't worry... wait should I drop him

Christian: NO

Fiorella: DON'T YOU DARE

Diego: it won't hurt, hold on a sec

Xavier: Shit I think the babys broken...

Remind me never to let Diego near my child.

I hear a guards radio buzzing, he picks it up and alerts a few more and they all rush away from the floor.

I guess breaking babies does work.

Most of the floor was clear but there was this one bodyguard by the conference room.
Why the hell would he be there of all places?

He seemed adamant to do his job and didn't look like he was planning on deceiving that.

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