Chapter 65: Tragic Goodbye

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I'm procrastinating writing this stupid Macbeth essay for school, it's 2:00 am and I want to rip my eyeballs out of their sockets xo


How THE FUCK did I end up here?

You remember Jessica right? Malibu Barbie? Amy?
One of those has to be her name.

Tell me how I'm sat in an empty booth at the restaurant she works at which happens to be the first me and Dom ever went to together?

I simply just drove and drove until my arms began to feel like jelly and somehow I ended up here.
It wasn't a coincidence that's for sure, out of all the areas in this prestigious city, there has to be a reason why fate drew me here.

I guess I'm trying to bring it back to where it all started.
And this was the first place that held significance too me.

"Can I take your order?" A polite women asks me and I shift my gaze declining her offer.

Plugging in my earphones, I block out the noise and allow my music to invade with my very extraordinary playlist that I pride myself in.
Though today, it didn't seem too help. It's like every song has a sentimental meaning to me and all of them involved Dom.

I must be one strong bitch because I'm this close to screaming fuck it and loosing my mind.
My tragic life was beginning to take a good turn, now I can't tell the outcome. Maybe something amazing will come out of this yet it could also be the worst time period of my life.

I'm scared of what decision to make, I'm stuck between whether to let life play out but I'm curious as too what he is hiding from me and my curiosity always gets the better of me.

Can I just kidnap him? It will only be one extra person in my basement.
It's lovely down there, Diego seems to enjoy it.

3:00am is what I read amongst my phone.
Have I really been out for three hours yet I'm still clueless on how I'm supposed to feel.

Maybe if something happened to me he would stay?
Ok Sienna I know your depressed but now you're reaching.

I felt a figure tower over me, okay motherfucker, who is trying to kidnap me this time?

I raise my gaze up and leap back at the sight I front of me.
Oh my FUCKING god!

"Diarlo?" I gasp blinking furiously trying to figure out whether my mind is betraying me or not.

"Sienna." He smiles at my shocked face.
"I see my plan worked're safe." He looks so pleased with himself and here I am, jaw hanging low in shock.

"What? Who? HOW?!" I waffle out.
"I thought you were dead, how the fuck are you alive?!"

Sitting himself opposite me, "you'd be surprised how corrupt the Russian mafia is, it doesn't require a lot to save myself."

I'm speechless and full with emotion, a weight lifted off my shoulders knowing that he was ok.
"Thank you so much, I would be dead without you. You saved me and I owe you my life." I praise him.

"I owe your father my life, I was just returning the favour." Diarlo explains.

"Why? What did my dad do for you?" I question, more intrigued.

"He gave me a home." He vaguely explains, almost like he's scared to reveal something.

Changing the subject, "So what business do you have being out this late?" He questions me.

Hi, can he like give me a second to process this and not be so nonchalant about it? Thank you.

I was hesitant to pour my truths out to a stranger, well he's not a stranger but I barely know him.
I ended up giving him a spoonful of the truth,
"You know my father, so you must know Dominico right?" I ask.

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