Chapter 37: Aiden Elijah D'Angelo

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I say I'm going to update less and then update twice in a day...

I mean, no complaints


It's strange how life works and how in a split second everything you thought mattered could simply be meaningless.
At first we learn to accept what we are and what we have become, the product our lifestyle has given us yet the smallest things can flip our whole perspective.
Take this baby for example, the moment we laid our eyes on him we realised how precious life was but we also realised that if we didn't take care of him, how fucked up people can become.
It only takes a single action to ruin someone.

I guess that's why guilt filled us all, see in the Mafia life's get taken every day, every hour, every damn minute and to us it's just another enemy that tries to screw us over yet I think he made us realise that every life we take is another persons importantance and reason to live.
So although this was a happy moment in all of our lives, it's just another reminder that we play a part in ruining another's.

Well, if you hadn't guessed it by now, we made it to the hospital on time well it was hardly on time but we managed. To be honest, we looked like lunatics to everyone else.
Yes that's right. Psychopaths.

As you could imagine six panicking Mafia workers busting through hospital doors at midday doesn't happen very often.

Christians heart rate was flying through the roof as he scattered around the building looking for Fiorella.
I mean, you could just ask the front desk but sure, your way works too!

Due to my more intellectual thinking, I was able to locate where Fiorella's room was based and at our fastest pace we all rummaged through the hospital like mice trying to find it.

A sigh of relief washed over her face when we busted into the room sweating and out of breath. She urged for everyone to leave except Christian because he was the dad and me for female support I guess.

See, I have never gone through childbirth but the pain being caused from her simply squeezing on my hands whilst she was pushing was enough to scare me off for a while.
I just sat at the top, ruffling through her hair and hugging her tight as she ran through the pain.

"It's ok Fio, don't think about your insides being stretched to their limits. Think about the sun and...rainbows." I tell her.
I think I'm doing pretty well!

Christian was causing more havoc than anyone, "come on baby, you got this." He says supporting her.

Apparently she did not want to hear those words.

"SHUT UP ASSHOLE DO YOU THINK ITS THST EASY?" She screams reaching her last push.

I chuckled at the words Christian was getting mainly because they are so dramatic and I had never seen her talk to him like that.
He looked more scared of Fio than the situation.

Fiorella held the baby to her chest, tears filling all of our eyes as we got to meet him for the first time.
Christian looked confused, it was so pure and innocent watching him figure out how to handle a baby.

"Thought of a name yet." I question, wiping the last few tears away from my face.

"Aiden Elijah D'Angelo." She says, not stuttering and overthinking her decision.

My guess was that Christian had no say in the name or he would have come up with something devilish.
Ironic since his name is Christian but sure.

"Hello Aiden." I say placing a kiss on his tiny head, inhaling that new baby smell, it gave me baby fever really bad but I had to remind myself that I'm only eighteen.

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