Chapter 33: Who are you mother?

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"What the fuck is a Verona, that sounds like a German car." I screw my face up.

"Verna idiot." Adriano mocks me.

"Verna, Verona, Vagina...all the same thing." I say.

Dominico sighs looking at me, "it's the name of a dangerous family and your mom was the last in the bloodline." He tells me and proceeds to explain why they were so feared.

"Ciao stupid, I'm alive, doesn't that make me a Verna?" I question curiously.

"Fortunately my love, you are a D'Angelo not a Verna." He tells me. "There's more to it." He proceeds to explain.

"The Russians are in search of the chip, once they get it they need to kill you, to get rid of any trace of the bloodline." Christian explains.

"For what? Like why the hell does this benefit them?" I groan in annoyance.

"They want to be the strongest Mafia in the world." Christian explains causing me to raise my eyebrow.
"Trust me Tigre power is everything in this world." He further says.

This is so fucking dumb, I hate people.

"None of this makes sense, my mom wasn't a bad person, all those things you said about her weren't true." I complain in denial of the reality.

"Neonata, I'm sorry but they were and you can't change that." Dominico tells me.

Angry at everyone and everything, I walk out of the room, not in an aggressive way, I just needed to remove myself from that situation.

I can't bare the memory of my mother to be tarnished by what I didn't know?
She was so...nice. Ok she wasn't nice but she was my mom and I couldn't picture her doing any of the things they had described.

But now there's a Mafia man hunt going out for me.

Blood and Violence yaayyyy!


I was aggravated and frustrated with everything.
I sat on my balcony flicking through my photo album in attempt to find a single spark of evil in my mothers eyes.

She was strict and firm with me, though it was all out of love, she wasn't capable of killing innocents. At least, I hope so.

No. I know so.
That's not her, that isn't the women who raised me, the one who taught me love, the one who I thought was capable of love.

"Are you ok Tesoro?" (Sweetheart). My father asks at the door of the balcony.

I give him a smile, letting him know that he's welcome to come out.

"Did you know who mama was?" I ask him.

He lets out a deep sigh, "Not back then, but now that I think about it the signs were there."

"How could she have done all those things? I feel like I don't know her anymore." I say my voice shaking and hurt.

"Mia figlia, She wasn't a bad person, she was just born into the wrong family, it doesn't change what she did for you, as much as I resent her she's still your mother." He tells me offering a small smile.

"You know, I never loved anyone else after her, to me she was perfect and we were going to have a perfect baby girl and I would have protected her from everything including myself, because I'm a bad person who does bad things but she mad me soft, she made me good." He says, I still hear the hurt in his voice when talking about her.

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