Chapter 15: The finding

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What's your ethnicity?

Rep your flags, GO!


It's been a few days since we arrived here, Stefano thought it was best if we didn't stay in the centre of all chaos so he bought a mansion in the outskirts of the city.

It was massive, nothing like I had ever seen in NYC though it definitely was not bigger than my home back in Italy.

Did I just say home? I guess maybe it is home now and I have to accept that.

After all, it's not like I have anywhere else to go and besides, I'm enjoying my time with the Mafia.
Well despite the fact that I'm currently the poster child for a death wish.

The only problem that I had here was the lack of privacy. There were guards patrolling the area 24/7 but me being me, I used that to my advantage and had a little fun with them.
I think that must be why they avoid me now.

It's quite rude if I say so myself.

Stefano's main bodyguard Carlos (the dick who attacked me when I first arrived) came a few days after us.
Ok, he's not such a dick now. We have warmed up to each other.

Though when he arrived, I was totally caught off guard so I did the only logical thing and I attacked him with a pool cue.
He deserved it. Don't sneak up on me hoe!

In a way me and Carlos bonded because the power rangers left me in the house while they all went out and had fun.
I would be lying if I said it didn't annoy me because being cooped up alone was no fun at all and sadly that was the norm.

Apparently I couldn't leave because there was a man hunt going on for me.
I mean there was but so?
Just let me have some fun, gosh!

During our bonding sessions, Carlos taught me how to always win whilst playing card games and we also talked about his family and how he named his child "Schit" because he thought it was badass.

Poor kid, imagine introducing him to people
"This is my little schit.". I laughed at my imagination.
But internally prayed for that poor child.


I let the boys have a week to settle in because they were enjoying their time way too much and spoiling it would have been cruel of me.
But we have to remember why we came here, it's not to have fun or hunt down rappers, it's strictly business.
If we didn't hurry, time would sure as hell catch up to us and if we don't start figuring out where to find this object then we are going to fall behind and leave plenty of opportunity for the Russians to sneak in and...well castrate us.

"Was there anything that your mom told you about this thing we are looking for?" Christian asks, stressing himself out.

"No, I don't even know where to begin." I say disappointed in myself.
"I mean it's not like we sat down at dinner and had a conversation about how to fucking play men in black." I grown.

"How about your old apartment?" Adriano questions.

"My mom was way too smart for that there is no way that she would ever hide something so important and valuable in our home." I sigh thinking hard.

"Then that's the exact reason it could be there." Dominico states, "if everyone thought she was so smart then they wouldn't even think about looking there." He chuckles at the idea, maybe he's right.

"Or only the likes of you would need to find out." Adriano blurts out.

"Brother, I will shoot you if you don't shut the fuck up." I shake me head.

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