Chapter 86: Rage room

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Oh look the bitch still exists.

I'm going to go and throw myself against a brick wall now but enjoy the chapter. :)))


I've come to learn that there is so much happiness in being numb.

I don't feel the pain of my mother's death like I should nor do I view the dangers ahead. Although some may see that as internally destroying me, I don't.
I see it as the fucking universe telling me that it's my turn.

The world had put me through the worst of times and no matter what, it was my turn to be happy. I wouldn't let anything ruin that.

The world is my bitch.

I had been discharged from the hospital this morning...well I wasn't exactly discharged. I sort of escaped and Dominico helped me.

I forced him to help me.

But that's not the point, the point is I'm out of that bitch and I'm ready to go home.

My- our room was still the same as how I left it. The hangers were scattered across the bed, my shoe options were pilled in the corner, not to mention the thousands of Bobby pins on the vanity.
I'm sure that he took one look at it and didn't know where the hell to start.

Though when I left the room and came back an hour later it was spotless to my desire.
Thank fuck for that.

I kept thinking about what he had told me.
A part of me believes that I'm way too young for that, the other part convinced me that I'd never be without him so why not?

I don't know, I'm too hungry, tired and hormonal to think about it right now.

Great Sienna, running from your problems as usual.
Shut it whore.

Where's Dominico, I want to fight him?

"LINGUINI!" I call exiting my four walls.

He doesn't answer me so I follow my senses.
That's right bitch, the senses.

They were miraculously guiding me to his office. I mean, no shit. Where else would he be?

I barge into the room like it is my own because it is my own.
Once he catches sight of me, his reflexes scramble and he tries to hide something from me, shoving it in his draw and locking it before planting the key in his pocket.

My face is full of curiosity and suspicion.
"Hi Sienna. Oh look, you're alive." He anxiously chuckles.

"No, I'm...dead?" I question confused.

"You know privacy is like a thing?" He raises his eyebrows at me.

I scoff, "when have you ever given me privacy Luigi?"

"When have you not liked it?" He sarcastically questions.

That, is a reasonable point however. Shut up.

"I almost died and you're already bullying me." I roll my eyes.

"How long are you going to milk that situation for?" He scoffs.

For the rest of my life.

"Why are you being weird?" My curiosity intrudes.

"Im not." He clears his throat.

"Right." I walk over to him and place my hands abnormally close to the draw that he had just locked.

His hand gripped my wrist firmly when I got to close causing me to give him that look.
His grip loosened on my wrist dropping it to my side as we begin a stare off.

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