Chapter 81: Blood runs deep

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I just finished reading the song of Achilles so I wrote half of this while ugly crying <3

On that note, enjoy the chapter.


"You're breathing has changed. What's wrong?" Dominico analyses me throughout our bumpy car journey.

It's crazy how he can notice the smallest of things though I'm not surprised, I'd listen to his heartbeat just the same knowing it gave me peace of mind.

"You know when I was younger she would make me choose my favourite flower that grew from the ground. Then she'd pick it out and make me watch it die." I chuckle .

Maybe that's why you have psychopathic tendencies Sienna.
Of course it is.

"She said it was because 'you should never become attached no matter how beautiful something is' but I think she just wanted to raise a heartless bitch." I shake my head watching the rain patter onto the windows.

"Remember that necklace I got you for your birthday?" He rhetorically asks pointing towards the gem on my chest.
"Read it."

I clasped it in my hand and squinted gaining a narrow vision of its contents.
"I got your hopes up for no reason bitch." I read.

And you'd think I was the petty one in this relationship.

I shoot him a look of sarcasm and death.
"It's the only way you would understand my love." He shrugs so casually.
"Theoretically speaking, that single insult would mean a lot more to you than a pile of words."

Theoretically speaking, shut up.

"I'm gonna beat you up after this." I roll my eyes.
At least it's a pretty necklace.

"Well beating me up gives you another reason not to die." He chuckles as I lay my head onto his shoulders.

My father interrupts our conversation in order to shower us with instructions.
"Sienna, you will go and address your mother alone, I will allow you that matter of privacy. Me and Dominico will follow behind at a 10 metre distance." He begins and we nod in acceptance.

"The rest of you will take out her men then Diego and Xavier will stand guard in disclosed entrances keeping watch for more of them whilst Christian and Adriano back us up ensuring her death.
Leia, you're on standby don't leave this car unless I tell you to." He demands and once again, without failure we accept.

"She is our most equal competitor so just make it out alive, I can't be bothered to burry any of you." He finishes.

Well that definitely gave us the will to live, great job Escobar.

The time had just gone 9:47pm and I used that as my cue to face my demons...and the devil herself.
I inhaled the fullest of air whilst inserting my earpiece preparing myself.
The car began to shake and of course that was due to Diego and Xavier tussling in the back.
Great, we'll sacrifice them first.

"I love you." He mutters placing a short reassuring kiss on my forehead.

"I lo-," he cuts me off.

"Don't say it now. Say it when we make it out of here alive." He demands as our fingertips loose touch with me exiting the car.

I was alone again.

Leia grabs my hand from her window before i pass the car, "I have faith in you please don't make me regret my decision." She pleads loud enough for just me to hear.

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