Chapter 76: My brothers keeper

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Long chapter because I'm a bad bitch.

Also because of the death threats yall were giving me for the cliffhanger🙄.

Love you though xoxo


Silence invaded our flight home. I was bombarded with emotion, as was he. I didn't bother to converse with Dominico and he reciprocated it, we were both raging with anxiety and I don't think either of us were in the right headspace to comfort one another.
We couldn't exactly tell each other that things would be 'ok' because truth be told, we didn't believe that.
I couldn't look him in the eye and reassure him that my brother was going to live.
And it killed me. Like a bitch.

I didn't want to have to get the call, so my phone wasn't even in my presence. I'm sure by now it must have been blowing up but I couldn't handle picking up and receiving the wrong news.
I couldn't loose Adriano.

Sudden deaths hurt but the worst thing is waiting, not knowing whether they are going to pull through.
Regrets crammed my brain making me feel minuscule. I regretted every little argument we had, I regretted the time I rejected his ice cream, I regretted the times where I didn't hug him enough, I regretted the times where I didn't pay attention to his chaotic stories.
Man, I regretted it all.

And regret is the worst type of self hatred.

But I had to be strong, after all he wasn't only my brother. He was my fathers son, he was my brothers brother, he was Natalia's boyfriend, he was Dominico's best friend, he was Aiden's uncle.
He was Adriano. And we all loved Adriano.

The wedge driven between me and Dominico was far too great, I couldn't do it without him. I needed him and from the other corner of the plane, I could sense that he needed me too.

"Dominico." I utter under my breath but the silence combined with turbulence made any sound obvious.
He heard me.

I don't say anything further but I hear him approach me, turning around anxiously our eyes lock instantaneously.
Red to red.
Mine red with tears and distress though his were the product of alcohol and weed.
Though who could blame him.

He sits opposite me and I bite my gums firmly in attempt to stop the tears that were fighting their way out.
I didn't need to talk, I just needed him and he was there.
It was enough to give me the strength to not break down on the jet floor and I could only hope I gave him that strength too.

The jet made a rough landing, Dominico noticed my hot flustered face so picked up my jacket and bag heading off the transport. I followed shortly behind him, walking both anxiously and cautiously.
The stairs felt wobbly, I was almost afraid that my anxiety would cause me to slip and twist my neck.

Fucking unstable bitch.
In the mental and physical sense, of course.

The runway had an impact on me. I remembered being here when Dominico left for London and I remember Adriano comforting me as I broke down on the floor.
Dominico looked back at me and his eyes held a sense of confusion and sympathy, though those emotions were buried deep under his pain.
And that pain was buried deep under his pride.

A car pulled up and as soon as I jumped in I noticed my dude Carlos.
Seeing him lit a spark in me, it was some happiness amongst the pain and torture that I was feeling.

"Hey kid." He nods and I offer a smile back.

"How's your son schit?" I ask.

"He's a dickhead." I chuckle at his response and I notice Dominico smile a little too.

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