Chapter 60: Reckless begginings

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I tried to write this chapter ASAP since yall were verbally attacking me for the cliffhanger lmao.

Enjoy it though and have a great day x


"What-?" He splutters innocently, his grip weakening on me.

"I had a miscarriage..." I bite my lip, almost tearing it through trying to hold back the tears so eager to escape.

"No not that bit." He pushes, still in shock.

"I lost our baby." I repeat what I had previously told him, hating myself even more as I complete that sentence.

He doesn't answer, instead looks at me, analysing every inch of my body, the way I tremble when speaking, the swollen and burning sensation in my eyes, the pale blanket that you can call skin and the unhealthy weight loss that invaded my physique.
He saw through it all, he saw what this loss had done to me.
He saw my breaking point.

Gripping underneath the messy bun that my rough, uncared for hair had been suffocated in, his eyes welter as he shoves me lovingly into his chest, "Don't you ever fucking say that again." He warns me.

"None of this shit was your fault, I never want to hear those words come out your mouth. Understand! He demands.

I'm unable to answer through the cries and begs for the pain to go away.
"It is though, if I was strong enough, I would have been able to save them and you wouldn't hate me right now."

"Baby I don't hate you, I could never hate you." He grips onto me further as I inhale his comforting scent.
"You are the strongest person I know, shit happens but one thing I know is that you are not to blame." He urges for my mutual agreement but I can't give it to him.

No matter what, I'm always going to blame myself.

He removes my head from his chest and holds it between his large,warm hands, "I am not to blame, say it Sienna." He demands.

I roll my eyes but do as he says , "I am not to blame." I repeat with the little energy I have left.

"Say it and fucking believe it, I can't have you walking around thinking that you played any part in this!" He warns me.

"That's not all Dominico..." I close my eyes not wanting to reveal my second chain of bad news.

"Go on." He lets me speak and explain in my own time.

"Leia said that the chances of me being able to reproduce are little to nothing." I manage to get out, at this point I can't even look at him knowing I probably broke him beyond repair.

Yet, he saw me as the broken one, and he was strong for me but I knew he was hurting and I wanted him to let himself hurt too.

Dom looks shocked as too how to even answer this.

"I know that might not concern you because what, we dated for a few months then broke up so why would we have kids together anyway?" I chuckle through the pain, playing the awkwardness off.

He raises an eyebrow at me and I just look down,away from his devilish eyes.

"Unless you plan of having them with anyone else." He almost questions rather than states.

"I doubt I would be able to even if I wanted it to be someone else." I scoff through my sobs.

"Do you want it to be someone else?" He looks up at me and for the first time, I see him vulnerable.
He let me into a place that he had kept so locked up, I could get asthma from the fucking dust collection.
His soul wasn't black at all, it was a hundred shades of white.
All tarnished by his past yet still bold.

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