Chapter 59- Taehyun

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Taehyun's POV

Taehyun woke up. He laid on the cold floor with only a thin blanket covering his body. A flicker of confusion flashed across his face.

Where am I??

Then it hit him. Taehyun grabbed his knees and curled up into a ball.

I'm still here....

Although it's only been a few days since he reached his former home, it felt like forever to Taehyun.

The door suddenly opened. Behind the door revealed the one and only Marvolo.

A smirk painted his crusty lips. His infamous black cape hung around his neck.

"Hello Kang," Marvolo said in a deep voice, "Long time no see."

Unconscious shivers traveled down Taehyun's spine. That voice brought back lots of bad memories for Taehyun.

Marvolo stepped into the room quietly. His hands were stuffed into his pockets as if something was hidden in there.

Taehyun rubbed his tired eyes. He didn't sleep well at all last night. All his mind could think of was the memories from the past.

Marvolo slowly stepped in front of Taehyun. He brandished a small dagger from the depths of his pocket.

Taehyun's eyes widened in fear. He could feel his breath quickening.

Marvolo grinned evilly. "Your punishment starts now."

Marvolo dove at Taehyun swiftly, the dagger still in his hands. He pointed the dagger directly at Taehyun's shoulder.

Taehyun jumped up in the air.


Taehyun felt the edge of the dagger slice his arm.

He managed to avoid getting severely hurt, but the dagger still scratched his arm.

Taehyun howled in pain. He clutched his cut arm that was dripping in blood.

Tears rimmed his eyes.

Can I ever get a break???

Taehyun ran to the corner of his room. He tried to find something— anything— to defend himself with. Unfortunately there was nothing. The room was barren.

The Boss smirked. "I designed the room specifically like that Kang. No big furniture to help you."

Taehyun cried out helplessly.

"You were never supposed to leave this place and I'll make sure that you'll stay forever." Marvolo whispered.

He lunged at Taehyun again.

Taehyun braced himself. He knew he would feel a ton of pain, but he didn't care. There wasn't anything he could do anyways.

He felt nothing.

Taehyun opened his eyes.

He inwardly gasped.

Jackson was gripping Marvolo's hand tightly so that it wouldn't move. The dagger that was in his hand fell to the floor.

Marvolo hissed. "WHAT WAS THAT FOR JACKSON?!"

Jackson slyly kicked the dagger away from the angry Boss. "Don't you think you're being a bit too aggressive?? This boy isn't even an adult yet, why are you stabbing him with daggers?"

Marvolo licked his very crusty lips. "He escaped this place Jackson! He should be punished!!"

Jackson whistled. "Calm down buffoon, you're turning red!"

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