Chapter 47- Beomgyu

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Beomgyu's POV

Chaos exploded in the carriage.






Beomgyu zoned away from all the loud voices. That's what he is used to doing anyways.

He had to focus on the task at hand, which was waking up Taehyun.

Taehyun was passed out on the seat. Bloody hands marks were printed on his neck, his hair slightly singed at the ends.

Beomgyu worriedly looked at Taehyun. He wouldn't wake up.

Beomgyu found some ice on the carriage and dumped it on Taehyun's face.


He smacked Taehyun's face.


Beomgyu was about to scream in his ear, but decided against it. Beomgyu knew without a doubt that Taehyun would beat him up for screaming in his ear.

A knot of worry was growing inside of Beomgyu.

Why won't he wake up?!

Beomgyu stopped trying to wake Taehyun up. He decided to sit and reflect on what just happened.

Yeonjun hyung just saw his foster parents' dead bodies, watched his old house burn down, and saw Ben die in front of him. I can't even imagine what he is going through. That is something no child should ever go through.

Beomgyu rubbed his face.

I would've never guessed Ben was a robber. I mean I knew he was shit and all, but still.

Beomgyu thought of something.

Why did Ben grab Taehyun? Of all people surrounding him, he chose Taehyun? Maybe I'm just overthinking things!

The carriage abruptly started. It turns out Jungkook was driving the carriage because NO ONE trusted Namjoon in the drivers seat.

"He doesn't even have his license!" Jimin screamed, "He could've broke the steering wheel for all I know!!"

Beomgyu chuckled to himself. 

Hueningkai scooted his way over to Beomgyu. He eyed Taehyun sadly. "Is he still not up?"

Beomgyu nodded his head. "I tried dumping ice on him, but he wouldn't wake up."

Suddenly a whimper was heard.

Both Beomgyu and Kai looked at Taehyun.

A spasm of pain contorted his face. His eyes twitched in fear.

Taehyun started hugging himself and whispering, "No, please no."

Beomgyu was dumbfounded.

What is Taehyun dreaming about!?

Small beads of sweat started to form on Taehyun forehead. He was still hugging himself and whispering.

Suddenly he jolted up, eyes wide awake.

"NOOO!" he screamed.

Taehyun snapped his mouth shut and looked at the people watching him. He visibly tensed.

"What did you hear me say??" Taehyun quickly said, his voice shaking.

Beomgyu wanted to hug Taehyun. He seemed so fragile and small at the moment.

"We heard you mumbling 'No, please no.'" Beomgyu said.

Taehyun's shoulders relaxed. "Ah okay."

"W-what did you dream about?" Kai asked hesitantly.

"Ah- I had a bad dream, that's all," Taehyun said while looking at the floor.

Beomgyu had a feeling that there was more to the story, but he didn't want to push Taehyun's limits.

"Well, do you want some ice to chew on?" Beomgyu asked out of the blue.

"Sure!" both Kai and Taehyun said.

Beomgyu ran out of the room to get ice. He swiftly came back with a tray filled with ice and threw an ice cube at Taehyun.

Taehyun gasped. "You did not!"

Beomgyu childishly grinned.

Suddenly Hueningkai dove towards Beomgyu, causing Beomgyu to drop his tray of ice cubes.

Kai grabbed a fistful of ice and threw it at Beomgyu and Taehyun.

A war broke out.

Laughter bounced off the walls. Ice cubes leapt through the air like dolphins jumping out of the sea.

Beomgyu eyed Kai, who was crushing ice with his fists.

Then Beomgyu looked at Taehyun, who had a big smiling stretched across his face.

But little did he know that behind Taehyun's smile, a thunderstorm of guilt and memories swirled around in his mind, slowly nipping at him.

Ahhhhh I'm sorry if this seems too sudden or short.

I have a question, for the people who don't know my age, how old do you think I am?

For the people who know my age, based on my writing and personality how old do I seem?

Hehehe love you guys 🥺💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕

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