Chapter 19- Soobin

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Soobin's POV

Soobin couldn't help but think a lot the next morning.

His thoughts were like an annoying pimple. No matter how hard he tried to get rid of the pimple, it always manages to pop up and make an appearance. It was very frustrating (I would know, I had bad acne for years 😭😭 but my skin is clearing up now so yayayayay).

Soobin was just in a shitty mood. He felt like he did something wrong and now his friends won't trust him.

When did things go wrong?

Soobin thought about it. Ever since Yeonjun came into his life, a disaster followed him like a shadow. Yeonjun never made Soobin feel happy. His friends acted strange ever since that rat came. Soobin's hands balled up into fists.

I'm starting to think everything is Prince Yeonjun's fault. Things have been going downhill ever since his crusty ass stepped inside the castle. Just another reason to add to my 'Why I hate Prince Yeonjun list.'

Soobin scowled. "And to make things worse we have practice today! ARGHH!"

Soobin stood up and kicked the wall of his bedroom.

"Oh man holy shit!" Soobin cried out loud.

That was a VERY dumb decision. Don't ever do that again. Just calm down Soobin, calm down.

Soobin unclenched his fists and took deep breaths. He did that until a wild Hueningkai appeared at the door.

"Hyung, what the fuck are you doing?"

Soobin flinched when he heard Hueningkai's voice.

"Are you okay hyung? I heard you kicking the wall, you only do that when you are very frustrated."

Soobin's stare met Hueningkai's. Soobin could see the genuine worry in his eyes.

Should I tell him that I feel like he is hiding something from me? There has to be a reason why he didn't tell me, so I shouldn't pry into his life. Or maybe I'm overthinking stuff and everything is fine.

"Ummmm, nothing NingNing, I'm fine."

Soobin saw the light in Hueningkai's eyes diminish quickly.

Shit! Did I upset him??

"O-okay hyung. If you say you're fine, then you must be!" Hueningkai said with a smile.

But Soobin could see through him like glass. He saw that his smile was faked.

"Soobinnie, you should go eat breakfast! You just got up and I don't want you to walk around with an empty belly!"

Hueningkai was rubbing at his hoodie sleeves while motioning for Soobin to go eat breakfast. Soobin nodded his head in agreement. "Of course I'm not skipping breakfast, I love to eat!"

Soobin left the room with a confused expression.


Soobin sat in his usual seat at his favorite restaurant. Yes, it's the same place where Taehyun works. In fact, Taehyun was serving Soobin right now.

"Hey bitch, how's life?" Taehyun said to Soobin.

"It's okay I guess. I still hate practice."

"Okay, here is your breakfast!"

Taehyun slid a plate full of delicacies towards Soobin. The plate held a warm chocolate croissant, dazzling scrambled eggs, a mouth watering chocolate muffin, some sizzling bacon, and a big stack of perfectly round pancakes, topped with whipped cream, syrup and strawberries (I'm now hungry, you guys are probably hungry too, sorry).

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