Chapter 18- Soobin

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Soobin's POV

Soobin could see the sunbeams shining through the curtains on the window. He just woke up to a beautiful sight. (Everyone I'm exercising on my treadmill while writing again 🤩)

Soobin was smiling until he remembered that he has to get to the Bighit Boys practice room to exercise.

Hueningkai suddenly entered the room. He shut the door and walked over to Soobin.


How does Hueningkai have so much energy in the morning??

Must be because of his daily run.

"I'm awake NingNing, so you don't have to scream in my ear."

Hueningkai jumped up and down in front of Soobin like a little penguin.

He is such an adorable person, no one, I mean NO ONE can hate him.

He's such a lovable goofball and a kind person.

He's also happy all the time, like imagine that!

Soobin just smiled at Hueningkai.

"Hyung we have to go!! Let's not be late!"

After half an hour, Soobin and Hueningkai were in the practice room with Taehyun. They were quietly conversing until a figure came into the room.

Yeonjun came into the room with tight white washed jeans and a faded blue shirt. On his wrist, he wore a shiny new watch which went well with his whole outfit.

Soobin wasn't gonna lie. Yeonjun looked good in that outfit.

Soobin rolled his eyes and said, "Well look who it is, Rat Face has finally arrived!"

Yeonjun smirked back at him and said, "What crawled up your ass and died?"

"You!" Soobin replied back.

Yeonjun's eyes widened at that.

Hueningkai let out a loud shriek of laughter and Taehyun just shook his head in embarrassment.


Yeonjun crossed his arms, "Whatever you say Soobitch."

Soobin rolled his eyes.

This guy is so annoying, ughh, how did his family put up with him.

"You're annoying you know that right?"

Yeonjun's mouth hung open, "Well you are stupid, you know that. There is a reason why I'm late."

"What's the reason?"

"Nothing you would care about," Yeonjun said with a hint of hurt in his voice, but Soobin just brushed it off.

This guy is so mysterious! Why can't he just tell me what's up?!? 

"Ughhh, why don't you tell me anything? I'm trustworthy!" Soobin said to Yeonjun.

Yeonjun snorted at that. "Trustworthy my ass."

"Stupid," Soobin said.







"You two are so funny!" Hueningkai said with a smile. "Even Taehyun was laughing."

Mysterious // YEONBIN ✔️Where stories live. Discover now