Chapter 22- Yeonjun

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Yeonjun's POV

"You guys! My nose still hurts!"

Yeonjun softly rubbed the tip of his throbbing nose. He ran into a wall and was now trying to relieve the pain in his nose.

Beomgyu knelt down beside Yeonjun. "You Pabo! You should look where you are going! Why did you run away in the first place?"

Yeonjun bit his bottom lip.

Oh shit! Should I tell him that I didn't want him following me into the room?

Beomgyu looked at Yeonjun intently. "If you didn't want me to follow you, then that's fine. I understand that you had to keep a secret."

Yeonjun let out a breath.

Phew! He doesn't hate me.

Beomgyu stuck out his hand and Yeonjun firmly grabbed onto it. Beomgyu hauled him from the floor and hugged with tightly.

"Why are you hugging me, not like I mind or anything?"

"I'm so happy that I can be part of a caring family. I've noticed you sneaking away, but I never told you about it. I thought that you found me annoying," Beomgyu whispered.

Oh shit he did notice!

"I'm so sorry Beomgyu, I couldn't tell you-"

"Hyung, I said it fine, I'm over it!"

Soobin coughed. "I'm sorry to ruin this sweet moment, but aren't we supposed to practice?"

"Yes, but before that, lets introduce everyone to Beomgyu."

Jimin walked up to Beomgyu. "Hi I'm Jimin! Behind me is Yoongi, Hoseok, Namjoon, Taehyung, Jungkook, Soobin, Taehyun, and Hueningkai," he said while pointing at each one of them.

Beomgyu nodded his head, trying to match each name with each face.

Yeonjun rolled his eyes. "Okay, now that's over, let's actually get started!"


The six older members were practicing in their practice room while the five younger members were talking in their room.

"HOLD UP- you actually like mint chocolate ice cream!?!" Beomgyu said with a disgusted face.

"Yes I do," Kai said, sassily flipping his hair.

"I like mint chocolate too!" Yeonjun said.

Soobin made a gagging face, "Eww, of course Rat Face likes mint chocolate, the nastiest flavor of ice cream ever to be made."

Yeonjun glared at Soobin.

Why is he being so mean!?

"Everyone has their own opinion about different things, lets not judge."

Soobin didn't say anything after that.

In the room they were standing in, there were masks, powder, hair dye, and multiple other items scattered across a wooden table.

"Woah!" Yeonjun said dramatically.

Soobin clapped his hands together. "I'm diving right into the lesson, so you guys better follow along. When you are fighting someone, you need the element of surprise on your side. You have to do something very unexpected, no matter how dumb it is. That way, the bad guys will be surprised and in that moment, you can attack them."

Okay! I think I got this!

"Since this is Beomgyu's first time, he watch how we trick and surprise each other, then he'll join along."

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