Chapter 37

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Elsie's POV
Time skip to Aria's 1st birthday
I couldn't believe the day was here, the day my baby turned 1, this past year had gone by so fast. Harry and I wanted to say happy birthday to her together so I waited for him to wake up and we went to Aria's room together.
"Happy birthday" we both said as we entered her room, she looked at us confused, she clearly had no idea what was going on.
"Don't worry princess, you'll soon get it, but just so you know today is all about you" said Harry as he lifted her out of her cot. It felt strange not taking Aria out of her cot and climbing back into bed so I could feed her, but I told my self once she was a year old I'd stop.
"Right then let's go and have some breakfast then" I said making  my way down stairs. Harry placed Aria in her highchair and then he began making pancakes for us.

Time skip to the party
Aria's party was now in full swing and the guests were flooding in all of them were running towards the bouncy castle, Louis of course had been the first one on it, he then came bouncing over to me.
"Hey Elsie, let us have Aria, I'll take her on the bouncy castle" said Louis.
"Okay, Louis, but please be careful with her" I said passing her to him, the bounced out of my view. Harry came into it waving at Aria as she went past him.
"Keep an eye on him please, he can get a little reckless when he's on the bouncy castle" I said. Harry chuckled and nodded. And then suddenly my vision was darkened.
"Guess who"? Said a familiar voice.
"Grace"! I said
"Aaahh, I haven't seen you for ages" I said giving her a hug.
"Anyway, where's my favourite niece" said Grace.
"Your only niece and Louis took her on the bouncy castle" I said.
""Oh right, well not to darken the mood but I saw your parents and Evie and Jeremy, Evie's pregnant too" said Grace.
"Oh, i see, well let them play happy families, I don't need them, I've got my family right here, Harry and the boys have been more of a family to me then mine ever has and well Grace, you've always been my family, they say you can't choose your family, but I certainly have" I said.
"Aww" said Grace tearing up.
"Don't you dare cry! Otherwise you'll make me cry and I can't be having that at my daughters first birthday" I said. Grace quickly wiped her tears away. She then looked over longingly at the bouncy castle, and ran towards it Harry then returned to me with Aria. She reached out for me so I took her.
"Honestly, I brought the bouncy castle for the kids" I said well by kids I meant Aria and lux and well maybe Louis and Grace.
"I know poor lux is terrified to go on it because she's scared that Louis will fling her off" said Harry and then we heard a massive pop.
"Louis you idiot" zayn shouted  as the bouncy castle began collapsing on top of them.
"Well that lasted long" I said.
"Oops sorry Elsie" said Louis he then looked over at Aria's new toy slide she had gotten for her birthday.
"Don't even think about it" I said with a chuckle.
Later that night 
Everyone had now gone home and Aria was now spark out, so was Harry I watch them both sleep peacefully in our bed i felt like climbing into bed my self, but one of us had to clean up the mess. After an hour everything was cleaned up. I then made my way upstairs and into the bedroom I then lifted  Aria off of Harry's chest and carried her to her room and placed her into her cot.
"Sweet dreams" I said blowing her a kiss and leaving the room, shutting the door over slightly. I then returned to mine and Harry's room, took off my jeans and then climbed into bed, falling asleep as soon as my head hit the pillow.
so that's it guys if you guys liked this story then I might write a sequel xx

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