Chapter 20

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Elsie's POV
5am called for a feed, so I lifted Aria out of her cot , I then got back into bed with her and checked my phone whilst she was feeding, I saw there was a message from Harry.
Harry: look I know I'm up at the crack of dawn but I knew you'd be awake, do you mind if I come and see you and Aria, this will be my last day off for a while until Halloween time"? X
The fact that he had ended it in a kiss and asked to see me gave me a warm fuzzy feeling inside, he only ever asked to see Aria before, although the needn't of asked just as long as he didn't turn up at the crack of dawn or in the middle of the night.
Elsie: sure, how about 11? X
Harry: perfect
He didn't leave a kiss that time so maybe it had just been a mistake now I felt foolish for sending one, I mean I liked Harry a lot but he was my baby daddy and he wouldn't be anything more that that. A text tone pulled me out of my thoughts.
Harry: x

I smiled but I decided not read to much into it. Aria had now finished feeding so I placed her back into her cot so I could get ready. I knew Grace wouldn't want to be here if Harry was, she wouldn't want to risk him seeing that she was pregnant as she stopped wearing the baggy hoodies unless she was out in public. I decided to send her out to the shops I made a list with Grace friendly names with the actual name beside it.

1. Liquid chickens- eggs
2. Cereal water- milk
3. Sandwich holders- bread
4. Baby pants size 1- Nappies
5. Snowman noses- carrots

I felt bad about the fact that I was sending my pregnant best friend to the shops whilst I was playing happy families but I didn't expect her just to stay in her room. I then lifted Aria out of her cot and went downstairs, to make breakfast, Aria was now in a funny mood and she cried whenever I put her down, so I had to manage making breakfast with one hand, after a while Grace came into the kitchen.
"Good morning" she said.
"Good morning I said.
"Here let me take her" said Grace so I gave Aria to her and she began crying.
"What's up with her today" said Grace.
"I don't know she just seems to be in a funny mood" I said. Serving up our breakfast, Grave gently rocked Aria and eventually her loud cries turned into quiet whimpers, I gave her dummy to Grace so that she could give it to her and when she was some what content Grace put her in her swing. Where she was quiet for a few moments so I took the opportunity to have breakfast and speak to Grace.
"Oh um, Harry is coming over today he wants to see me and Aria" I said guilty.
"Oh okay, no worries I understand, guess I could just go back to my place, it's technically still mine until Tuesday" said Grace.
"Okay but will you got the shops for me"? I asked.
"Sure, have a nice day with Harry" she said and then she went upstairs to get ready.

Harry's POV that morning
I was getting ready to go and see Elsie and Aria I felt nervous and I had no idea why, okay well
I did I was going to ask Elsie to come and live with me, I liked her a lot, but I wasn't sure if she like me that way or if I was nothing more than just her baby daddy, but either way I still hoped she would say yes to living with me when the band went on their break which lasted from Halloween up until January 2nd after that we would be back out on the road preparing for tour and finishing off our album.

Elsie's POV
It's was 10:50 now and there was still no text from Harry to say he was on his way over, perhaps he has sent the message when he was half asleep and he had now forgotten about it, but it made me feel bad because I had already sent Grace on her way I thought about calling her to let her know that she could come home after shopping, just as I picked up my phone to do so, i saw a message from Harry.
Harry: sorry I'm running late, there was an issue with one of the recordings, I'll be there for 11:10 x
Elsie: okay, although I have to warn you Aria is in a funny mood x
Harry: oh dear 🥺 x
Although currently Aria was some what happier  and I of course was very happy. 20 minutes later there was a knock on the door. I left Aria in her swing which meant she started balling her eyes out and went to open it.
"Hey" said Harry
"Hey" I said stepping aside so that he could go in he went straight to Aria, who was crying.
"I see what you mean about her being in a funny mood" said Harry gently rocking her. A few moments later she was quiet, clearly quite  happy to be in Harry's arms which was a relief. Harry and I then spent the next hour snuggling and playing with Aria until it was time for her to have another feed, I thought about going upstairs to feed her in private, but then I felt bad about leaving Harry down here on his own and besides Harry has already seen me naked and he watched me give birth. I put the telly on as I wasn't one for talking much when I was feeding Aria. The X-factor was on and they were showing old episodes from 2010. A young Harry came on the screen. I smiled.
"Oh god" said Harry.
"I wOrk iN a BaKeRy" said young Harry on the screen, Harry hid behind his hands. I finished feeding Aria and then I took her upstairs to put her down for a nap. I then went back down stairs to see that Harry had switched the telly off.
"Aaaah, I was enjoying that" I said, rejoining Harry on the sofa. I had a feeling he might want to go soon as Aria was now asleep but I hoped to get in a few moments with him.
"So um anyway, I wanted to ask you something" said Harry.
"Oh okay" I said.
"Well you see I'll be away for a while working on the new album, but we'll call everyday, but anyway I'll be on a break from Halloween I'm throwing a party by the way, but I'll be off until January 2nd, but then I won't have another break until Aria's birthday so I was wondering if you and Aria wanted to come and live with me while I'm on my break"? Said Harry. I sat there in shock, had Harry styles really just asked me to move in with him?
"Sure"! I said excitedly.
"Great" said Harry leaning over and giving me a hug.
I hope you enjoyed this chapter x

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