Chapter 31

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Elsie POV
I woke up with Harry's arms wrapped around me, his head buried in my neck, I laid there enjoying the moment while I could as I wouldn't be seeing Harry for a while as today was January 2nd the day that Harry and the boys left for their tour. I spent a few more moments with him before I had to get up to get Aria. I returned to our bedroom a few seconds later and climbed back into bed to feed Aria. I could here Harry mumbling in his sleep.
"Noooooo nooooooo, Elmo don't go" what was it with him and Sesame Street? I giggled quietly, and then I saw that Harry was waking up so I stopped myself.
"Good morning" he said.
"Good morning" I said giving him a kiss. Harry then fell back asleep but he had to get up.
"You have to get up" I said gently.
"Hmmmm, 5 more minutes" Harry mumbled.
"I'm sorry but we don't have 5 more minutes as much as I wished we did" I said. He sighed and then he sat up rubbing the sleep from his eyes. I then gave him Aria so that he could cuddle her whilst I got ready.
"I'm going to miss you so much" he said to Aria, she was happily dribbling giving her pyjamas a good wash.
"Hmmm but I don't think I'll miss being covered in drool" he said grabbing a burp cloth and using it to dry his hand.
"Right you better go and get ready styles" I said taking Aria from him, he pouted but then went over to the wardrobe I then then took Aria to her room so I could get her dressed.
"And of course we need a bib to match" I said to Aria as I put on a white bib that had a purple checkered outline on it that matched perfectly with her purple checkered dress and her white tights, I then finished of the look with a purple bow. I then returned to the bed room to see Harry fully dressed he was wearing a plan black t-shirt and grey joggers and his hair was held back with a black bandana.
"Wow you haven't worn a bandana for ages" I said.
"I know I forgot how much I loved them" he said. I chuckled and then we went downstairs to make breakfast. I decided to do a fry up as a treat and of course Aria had her usual bowl of weetabix.
"I haven't had a fry up in sooooo loooonggg" said Harry, he looked excited.
"Well I thought I would treat you today" I said.
"Hmmmm doesn't that mean I'll get treated in the bedroom then"? He asked with a smirk on his face.
"Not a chance but maybe I'll treat when we're in America" I said wink.
"Ooooh" said Harry and I then he tucked into his breakfast and I did the same.

At the airport.
It was now time for Harry and the boys to go, Harry stood with Aria in his arms getting in those last few moments with her. He then passed her to Grace who was also here to say goodbye he then pulled me aside so we could have a private moment together. He wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me towards him, without hesitation I placed a deep kiss on his lips.
"Try not to miss me to much" he whispered.
"I'll try but it will hard" I whispered back he then kissed my forehead and pulled away. I then said a quick goodbye to the rest of boys.
"Good luck with everything" I called as the disappeared from my view eventually it was just me and Grace and Aria left. I sighed Grace come over and gave Aria back to me, she then put her arm around me.
"Why don't we go back to my place, your place" said Grace. I nodded in agreement.
"It's your place Grace" I said.
"But you still pay for it" she said
"Well I know but I know you'll find a job soon, and besides what sort of friend would I be if I let my best friend sleep on the streets" I said.
"You're too kind to me Elsie" she said with a smile.
"Oh and speaking of jobs I've applied for one, it's party planning, I mean that's a job that's made for me" she said.
"That's brilliant, well let's hope you get it then" I said and then we made our back to Grace's.

i hope you enjoyed this chapter X

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