Chapter 23

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Elsie's POV
I woke up in bed, Harry had obviously carried me here, either that or I had developed a new habit of sleep waking, and just like Grace had thought I wasn't shacked up in bed with Harry because I was sleeping in the spare room with Aria, She was in her cot of course that Harry had brought especially for here so I didn't have to worry about dismantling my one. I got out of bed and took Aria out of her cot so I could feed her, Harry was still fast asleep but then again it was only 5am. I still stuck to my same routine, wake up feed Aria, put Aria down for little morning nap and get ready while she's sleeping. As I was getting ready I heard foot steps go along the landing and into the bathroom.
"Good morning" said Harry, his morning voice was so hot and he was standing there shirtless with a pair of grey joggers on
"Good morning" I said, he then went over to Aria's cot saw that she was still asleep and then he went downstairs still shirtless like he was trying to tease me. The house was soon filled with the smell of pancakes, so I took Aria out of her cot and went downstairs.
"Baker styles, I see" I said as I went into the kitchen.
"I work in a bakery" said Harry imitating his young self only this time his voice was a lot deeper.
"No it's more of a i WoRk In a BaKeRy" I said imitating a young Harry's high pitched voice he shook his head but he couldn't hide the smile that was creeping up on his face.
"Anyway how are feeling about today"? He asked. I hadn't really been thinking about the fact that Aria could be meeting her Grandparents today. I didn't really want to think about it if I was being honest.
"Nervous" I said wiping my finger around my plate and picking up the crumbs.
"Well remember I'll be waiting for you" said Harry. Knowing Harry would be there ready to whisk me home in case anything happened made me feel somewhat better.
Time skip.
We pulled up outside my childhood home, it was exactly as I remembered it, only the front door was now white rather than red. I took some deep breaths and just sat there for a few moments. Harry placed a hand on my leg.
"Good luck" he said, I smiled at him and then I got out and then I got Aria out of her car seat. I held her close to me as I walked up to the front door. I knocked on the door and waited, eventually I heard foot steps coming to the door.
"Elsie"! Said my mother in shock as she saw me , her eyes then locked onto Aria.
"Who's this"? She asked.
"She's my daughter, her name is Aria" I said.
"She's not his, is she"? My mother asked.
"No I'm sure you'll be pleased to know that Jeremy and I have broke up, we did long ago" I said.
"Well I suppose you could in for few minutes"'she said. I stepped inside although I didn't feel exactly welcome, I gave Harry a quick look as I went in and he nodded. My sister Evie and my dad were in the living room. They looked up, they were obviously surprised to see me, but more so Aria.
"We have a granddaughter Eric and don't worry she's not his.
"Auntie, Evie" I heard Evie mutter to herself.
"You can hold her if you want" I said, Evie nodded so I gave Aria to her, I then heard footsteps coming down the stairs, I was so shocked to see Jeremy.
"What's she/he doing here" we said simultaneously whilst pointing to one another. He didn't wait for an answer instead he went over to Evie and kissed her. He then looked at Aria, he then looked at me I knew what he was wondering he then looked at her again and then decided his answer.
"Why did you kiss Evie"? I asked.
"Because we're a thing" he said. I felt my blood boil but I wasn't so angry with him.
"He's dating Evie, even after you told me that you hated him" I said to my mother.
"Well I didn't exactly mean I hated him" said mom.
"What so you just hated him being with me" I said.
"Well yes, Evie liked him first" she said.
"No Evie just wanted him because I had him first just like everything else.
"But you've clearly moved on if you've had a baby with someone else" said mom.
"WELL THE ONLY REASON I HAD A BABY WAS BECAUSE I WENT OUT GOT DRUNK AND HAD A ONE NIGHT STAND" I shouted, I then clamped my hand over my mouth shocked, I then grabbed Aria from Evie and quickly left.
i hope you enjoyed this chapter X

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