Chapter 10

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Elsie's POV
I had now hit the nine month mark so I knew that the baby was due any day now, both Harry and Louis had insisted that they stay with me so that they didn't have to rush over to me, I was having a home birth just to make things easier and they boys were on a break from their tour for 3 weeks which would be sad when they left again but they only had 5 more shows after that and then they were on another break for 5 weeks. I had insisted that Louis and Harry slept in the spare room but they refused, so I had my bed and then two single beds either side of it. It was okay for the first few nights, both Louis and Harry were pretty calm and slept peacefully all night, I even heard Harry mumbling to himself one night.
"No! No!, don't let the Cookie Monster get me"
But a week later was when things started to get annoying, now every time I moved or groaned they would wake up and ask, "is it time" eventually it got so annoying that one night I decided to sleep on the sofa, but of course my waters broke that night....

The birth will be out tomorrow x
Also sorry this chapter is quite short it was just a filler chapter really x

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