Chapter 32

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Elsie POV
I woke up in bed alone, I sighed looking at the pillow that was lying flat next to me, I had woken up in the middle of the night wanting to cuddle Harry so I tried hugging his pillow instead, it didn't satisfy the need much but I did fall back asleep eventually. Aria's cries then reminded me that I wasn't completely alone. I went and got her from her room, even Aria seemed sad, like she knew Someone was missing.
"Yeah I miss daddy too" I said pushing her curls out of her face.
"But soon we're going to America" l said, I knew she had no clue where or even what America was for that matter but she giggled and smiled clearly delighted with the thought of going to America. I then did my usual routine with her and then I went downstairs to make breakfast for the two of us. It felt quite lonely not having anyone to talk to, I mean sure there was Aria but  the most she can do is babble so there isn't really much of a conversation you can have with her. I finished my breakfast and then I cleaned up Aria who had weetabix in her ears. I didn't really know what to do with my self so i took Aria into the living room and placed her in her swing, I then put the telly on and let her watch children's TV. Whilst I scrolled through Instagram.

@harrystyles: glad to back on the road with the boys but I can't wait until my girls come and join me in America @elsie_peterson and Aria Rose who doesn't have Instagram yet, but maybe I'll make one for her
I decided to leave a comment.
@elsie_peterson: not a chance!!
Grace's name then popped up on my screen indicating that there was a message from her.

Grace: heeeyyyy, I got some good news!!!
Elsie: ooooh tell me, tell me!!
Grace: I got the job!!!
Elsie: that's amazing well done Grace
Grace: Yep so now I can start paying you back
Elsie: no don't worry about paying me back at least you can pay your own bills now.
Grace: I know I won't win this battle so okay but we'll have to sort out the billing arrangements so that they go out of my bank account instead
Elsie: yeah but let's not worry about that for now let's go somewhere to celebrate I mean we can't go on a night out because I have Aria and don't feel comfortable leaving her with a babysitter but how about we go out for a coffee?
Grace: you know what I would much rather come over and watch movies with you, see you in 10?
Elsie: okay see you then

I then took Aria upstairs to put her down for a nap I then made too cozy spots on the sofa for me and Grace and then put some snacks on the table and waited for her arrival.
"Hey" she called as she walked in.
"Hey I called back
"Where's Aria? Grace Asked as she came into the living room with a bag of DVDs incase we couldn't find anything on Netflix.
"She's napping so we'll be good for a couple of hours" I said.
"So I was thinking we could watch Dunkirk"? Said Grace, I had never really took much interest to the film before so I had no idea who was in it but I thought I might be good, so I nodded on agreement.
25 minutes later.
"Wait! THAT'S HARRY" I shouted spraying peanuts everywhere in the process. Harry was on screen swimming in the water. I picked up my phone and dialled his number.

Harry: hello
Elsie: why didn't you tell me that you was in Dunkirk?
Harry: you never asked
Elsie: so Harry styles the baker, singer and actor, is there anything else?
Harry: father
Elsie: awww
Harry: well it was nice hearing from you but I've gotta go now, I love you
Elsie: I love you to

"Well I didn't see that coming" I said. Grace nodded in agreement.
"Wow I've never seen him so angry" said Grace currently on screen Harry was shouting at a bunch of people.
"Hmmm, but it's kinda hot though" I said, it was weird seeing Harry so angry, the Harry that I knew and loved wouldn't even shout at a bee, unlike me who be telling it to piss off, no Harry would probably say something along the lines of. "Could you please be so kind as to remove your self from my house thank you" and then if he could he'd probably kiss it if he could.

i hope you enjoyed this chapter x

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