Chapter 17

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Elsie's POV
We pulled upside Grace's house so I cut the engine and stepped out of the car, Grace did too and then she unlocked her door I followed behind her and immediately saw piles of dirty laundry everywhere and empty take away cartons all over the place, Grace didn't say anything instead she just kicked  some cartons under the chair and cleared a space on the sofa for me, she didn't say anything and just switched on the telly.
"I'm just going to the toilet" said Grace, I nodded. After 5 mins she hasn't returned, I went upstairs which was also in a complete state and saw that Grace had fallen asleep on her bed. I left her there and went back down stairs to start tidying up, I started by throwing at all of the rubbish, I then collected all of the washing and sorted them into lights and darks I the stuck the first load in the washing machine but I then found that Grace had no cleaning products, so I left Grace a note just incase she woke up and went the shop, when I got back I saw that the note had been untouched I then started the washing machine and whilst that was running I took the bins out I then swept up and rearranged the cushions on the sofa. After 2 hours I was almost done I just had one more load of washing to do, it wasn't until I lifted up the final pile of washing that I noticed a pile of letters, they were all eviction notices, poor Grace the girl didn't have any qualifications and she was currently unemployed, she had the odd job here and there but she never really stuck to anything, she would work for a few months and then splash whatever she had earned on clothes and nights out. Grace was like me when it came to school, it was the whole reason why we met, we had both been put into extra maths but although we had struggled in school I had still managed to leave school with all c's and one D. I knew Grace would outright refuse my money but I knew what I could do, that she wouldn't say no to, I found her suitcase and began packing it, I didn't have to worry about sneaking around upstairs because most of the stuff that had been washed was her maternity clothes, which where all freshly cleaned and dried now. I then looked in Graces fridge to see what she had, there wasn't much but there was some chicken that was close to it's use by date and some few carrots a half a cucumber, I then check the freezer and found a few frozen veggies, I placed the chicken in the oven and put the veggies onto boil whilst I chopped up the carrots and cucumber, it was a bit of an odd meal but I decided that Grace probably needed the vitamins and the protein as she had clearly been living off takeaways for who knows how long. Just as I was plating up her meal Grace came down the stairs. She  came into the kitchen and sat down, I put the food down in front of her and she happily tucked in.
"What are you having"? She asked her mouth full of chicken.
"Don't worry about me I'll have something when I get home" I said. I then left Grace to eat her food and went upstairs to tidy up, I then grabbed a few more things for her suitcase and then I hid the suitcase in a cupboard that I knew Grace never went in, I then said goodbye to Grace who was now on the sofa eating a frozen yogurt as an alternative to ice cream as she didn't have any.
"See you soon Grace" I said she waved goodbye but she didn't take her eyes of the screen, until Niall appeared on their with his new girlfriend Amelia, she scoffed rolled her eyes and then changed the channel and then with that I made my way home.
When I got home it was very quiet.
"Hello"? I said and then I saw that both Harry and Aria were fast asleep on the sofa. I gently lifted Aria off of Harry's chest and place her in her cot. Harry stirred a little a woke up.
"Oh hey" he said.
"Hey" I said.
"Right well I'd better be off, but I hope to see you and Aria soon" he said sleepily.
"Harry I can tell that you are far to tired to drive home, so stay here for tonight or at least let me drive you home, you can always come and get your car tomorrow or I'll drop it round and then get a taxi home" I said.
"No I'll be fine honestly" said Harry but after he said that he had fallen asleep again, I shook my head and sighed I pulled the throw over him, I then lifted Aria out of her cot, who was now awake and was about to start spurting tears because she was due a feed. I quickly went upstairs and shut my bedroom door, where Aria began crying.
"Oh dear such an impatient little miss aren't you" I said whilst I undid my shirt and bra. I then sat there peacefully thinking about how Harry styles was asleep on my sofa, sometimes it was still so surreal to me that he was Aria's dad.

I hope you enjoyed this chapter x

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