Chapter 26

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Elsie's POV
I woke up the next morning feeling  refreshed and Aria was in pleasantly good mood so clearly the disasters of yesterday had completely unfazed her. I went over to her cot and she gave me a massive smile, she had been smiling a lot more recently and her personality was showing I loved seeing her grow into her own person. I lifted her out of her cot planted a kiss on her cheek, for someone who had gone to bed so emotionally drained I definitely had a lot of energy despite it only being 5am, I then began the same routine that I had done with Aria since she was a week old. Once we were dressed I left my room, Harry still hadn't woke up yet but I decided to let him rest considering I had spent the night crying on him. I put Aria in her swing and went to make breakfast only we didn't really have anything in, we had two pieces of bread and one weetabix left, I least I didn't have to feed Aria food as well, I decided to give us a piece of toast each and half a bowl weetabix I added a banana to it. By the time breakfast was done Harry came waking down the stairs. I put his breakfast down on the table, he looked at me confused, Harry normally had a full bowl of weetabix and two slices of toast with boiled eggs.
"We've got nothing in" I said opening the fridge. I was supposed to go shopping after I went my to parents but I had been so distraught that I had completely forgotten.
"Oh right yeah, I'll go today" said Harry. Harry styles going shopping seemed like such a bizarre thing. But I'm guessing he went watroise or marks and Spencer's.
"I don't mind going Harry, where do you shop"? I asked.
"No it's fine I'll go and I shop in Tesco's" he said. Now this made it even more bizarre because had Harry loads of money and yet he chose to shop in the cheapest supermarket in our area. Perhaps he did it because the fans where unlikely to suspect that he shopped there.
"Okay" I said simply, Harry then got up and got Aria out of her swing because she had started crying. Although I had only been living in the house for a week Harry knew Aria's routine so he gave her to me so I could feed her. He then went upstairs to get ready.
"I'll see in a bit then I'm going Tesco's"
He said, I would've gone with him but there was a load of washing to be done as Harry wasn't used to doing washing for two extra people. He kissed a sleeping Aria who was in my arms on the head, he then smiled at me and then made his way out. Aria then made her poop face and then.... well a poop explosion happened.
"Awesome" I said biting my lip. I washed and changed her and then I cleaned my self, I then put her in her cot and began the washing. About an hour later Harry returned with the shopping, I hung the washing up whilst he put the shopping away, it made us seem like a normal family, we were just a couple doing household chores whilst our daughter slept there was just one thing that wasn't normal about this was the fact that I Elsie Peterson who was a nobody was living with Harry styles.

I hoped you enjoyed this chapter, honestly I'm not sure how much longer this story will go, I'll probably end it on Aria's birthday but I'm sure they'll be a sequel x

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