Chapter 16

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Elsie's POV
I woke up to the faint cry's coming from Aria's cot, 10 months ago I never would've dreamed of getting up at 5am, but now 5am was the new 10am. I fed Aria and then I changed her nappy and then sat and snuggled with her for a few moments whilst checking my phone. I went on twitter and saw two tweets one from Grace which really had me worrying abut her.

 I went on twitter and saw two tweets one from Grace which really had me worrying abut her

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@elsie.Natalia: really Grace? It's called bread, and then you put it in the toaster  or under the grill if you don't have one 😂

Grace couldn't even blame this antic on baby brain, this was just Grace being Grace, last year we went grocery shopping together, and she spent ages trying to find something, when I asked her what she was looking for she wouldn't tell me, eventually she asked one of the workers where the liquid chickens were.

The second tweet was from Harry

I then spent a few more moments snuggling with Aria as I wouldn't be seeing her all day

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I then spent a few more moments snuggling with Aria as I wouldn't be seeing her all day. I then I then placed her back in her cot where she would have another nap whilst I got ready. By the time I was ready Aria was awake again, she i lifted her out of her cot and then I got her ready for the day in a Minnie Mouse t-shirt and leggings, with a pink spotty bow to match, which sat nicely on the few tiny curls that she had, a trait she has inherited from her dad. I then took her down stairs and placed her in her swing whilst I made breakfast for myself and prepared bottles for Harry to use because despite having four nipples not a single one of them produced milk, whilst my eggs where boiling I poured my bags of pumped breast milk into bottles and then placed them in the fridge, I then set up the bottle warmer so that all Harry had to do was place the bottle in and switch it on. I then went in the living room eating breakfast, whilst Aria sat happily in her swing. I switched on the telly and flicked through the channels, I then put itv on a picked up my phone, I saw a message from Harry.
Harry: I'll be there for 10 if that's alright?
Elsie: sure
By this point Aria had gotten bored in her swing and she began crying, so I lifted her out of it. And laid her down on her play mat. At 10
O'clock Harry arrived just like he said he would. I opened the door with my foot, Harry's face lit up when he saw Aria I passed her to him and then I went into the living room as I still had a bit of time to kill before I had to meet Grace at the hospital, Aria started crying, she was clearly fed up of laying on her back, so Harry moved her so that her head was lying on his chest, he placed a hand under her bottom to support her.
"She's just done a poo" said Harry and then Aria immediately went red, as if she was embarrassed.
"Aww I'm sorry did I embarrass you"? Said Harry.
"I'll quickly change her" I said.
"No it's fine, I'll do it, you go and enjoy yourself" said Harry. So I kissed Aria goodbye and made my way out of the door. I arrived at the hospital 30 mins later, where Grace was waiting this time at the front entrance because although I had quite a large following on social media I wasn't deemed famous enough for the back entrance.
"Hey" I said
"Hey" said Grace I could tell she was nervous as she was tapping a steady beat on her phone with her nails. We went in and we sat and waited, eventually Grace's midwife came, it was  Kim who would've been my backup midwife.
"Hello Grace, I see you've brought someone with you" said Kim
"Yes, this is best friend Elsie" said Grace and then Kim did the scan. I then took out my phone to check to see if there was any messages there wasn't any so I checked Instagram.

@harrystyles: morning strolls with you are the best 💕💕

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@harrystyles: morning strolls with you are the best 💕💕

I smiled knowing Aria was in good hands.
"So what do you wanna do,  I mean Harry thinks I'm having a day out with you so I can't exactly go home just yet" I said.
"Well I don't really feel like doing much, so how about we just go back to my place" said Grace, I agreed and then we got in my car, at least Grace wouldn't have to trek all the way home on the bus.

I was gonna continue this chapter but then I thought I might get a bit too long so the next chapter will be like the second half of this chapter x

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