Chapter 11

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Elsie's POV
I called for Harry and Louis and they both came running down the stairs, Harry being the clumsy klutz that he is tripped and tumbled down about 5 steps. He then told me that he did it on purpose. And although I was in immense pain I managed to laugh because we all knew that Harry hadn't done that on purpose he was just very accident prone.

It didn't take long for my labour to progress which was weird because I was always told about how long labour could be, especially if it was your first child, but I guess this baby was gonna be like her mama, doesn't like waiting around, at about 3am my midwife was called and she arrived at 4am, and by 4:20 I was ready to push, I had Louis and Harry either side of me holding my hands, and then at 4:49am my beautiful daughter came into the world, Harry had a tear in his eye and although Louis wasn't crying, you could see how happy he was. The baby  was checked over and I deliver the after birth whilst the boys watch her, until the DNA tests came they were both still her dad, the midwife took DNA swabs from the 3 of them, which baby wasn't very happy about, we had decided that we would choose a name after we found out who the father was although I had said whoever wasn't the father could choose her middle name, and they had both said Rose. The midwife checked us both over once more and then went home. Harry and Louis both said they'd stay another few nights and then they would have to go for a few tour rehearsals before there last few shows.

I hope you enjoyed this chapter x

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