Logan and Erin go shopping

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Logan was going to take Hortense and the little girls with him when he goes shopping for the tuxes and Erin was going to take the older girls with her while she goes wedding dress shopping for her bridal gown that she was going to wear for the ceremony, and later. She was going to get the girls fitted for their bridesmaids and junior bridesmaids. Then in the afternoon her and Logan were going to come back with the little girls to get them fitted for their flower girl dresses that they were going to wear for the wedding ceremony

"Logan can i have the keys to the bus?" Erin asks him

"Sure here you go" he says as he tosses her the keys to the medium bus that they got from one of the local party places that was going out of business

"Thanks babe, and here is the keys to the van just in case you want to take it when you go shopping for the tuxes, and anything else that you need for the ceremony" Erin says as she calls all of the older girls down, so they could get a move on cause she had a bridal appointment, and she wasn't going to miss it for the world

"Will do babe you better get going or you will be late I can't wait to see what dress you pick out for the wedding" he says as he pulls her in for a big hug

"I will if you leave me go" she says as she breaks free from him, so she could get going

Once Erin leaves Logan goes back to packing the diaper bag, so they could get going cause he had a fitting for his tux as well

(Bridal shop)

Erin gets all of the older girls out before she goes in cause she wants to make sure she had everyone before she went into the bridal salon to meet her group that was going to help her choose her gown that she was going to wear 

"Hey Erin ready to go shopping?' Kathryn asks her

"Ready" Erin says as she comes in with all of the girls

Kathryn passes out the cards that were going to be used to judge whether the gown is a yes or a no


"Okay I got Ramona, Hortense, and four little girls" he says as he does a head count before he leaves the house to go meet the guys to get fitted for the tuxes for the wedding

He puts on Frozen for the little girls to watch as he drives to the tux shop

"Ginny are you okay princess you are pulling at youe ear a lot?" he asks as he turns around to see what she was doing at the moment

" My ear hurts daddy" she says to him

"Let daddy get fitted for the tuxes, and then I will get you checked out if you keep pulling at your ear" he says as he continues to head for the tux shop for the fitting

(Bridal shop)

'Okay Erin what do you see yourself in on your wedding day?" the consultant asks her

"I want some flare ,glitz, glamour" Erin says to the consultant

"That i can work with come on I'll show you some gowns" the consultant says as she takes Erin back to the fitting room to be fitted for her wedding dress that she was going to wear when she marries Logan

(Tux shop)

"Ginny you look like you don't feel good" Logan says as he gets her out of the van

She shakes her head no as she lays her head on daddy

The other little girls stayed close to Logan as they headed in, so daddy could look for tux that he was going to wear for when he married Erin

"What color should daddy go with?" he asks them as he browse colors that could work cause Erin told him what color she was going to go with for the dresses

All of the kids had an opinion, and Logan knew he was going to be here a while as he looks at tuxes

"I hope the guys can help me" Logan says as he looks at styles that he wanted to wear for the wedding

The girls each brought him a hat to wear as well as a can to carry, and he went with that cause he thought it gave him a classy look

"Thank you girls" he says as he checks on the twins to make sure tha they were okay in the stroller which they were

(Bridal store)

Erin was on the ball gowns now cause the older girls wanted her to look like Cinderella for daddy for the wedding

"This looks much better" Erin says as she steps into the ball gown

Erin comes on and the girls were floored by how pretty mommy looked in her wedding dress

"I say this is a ten" Presley says from the couch

"It's perfect it is sexy on the top" Kathryn says to her best friend

"It has that flare that Logan will die for" Alexa says to her

"It's perfect" the group says to her

"Can i add a little more glitz cause i want to shine as i come down the aisle to Logan?" Erin asks the consultant

"Sure we'll order the custom dress for you" the consultant says to her

"Well I am saying yes to the dress then" Erin says as she looks at herself in the mirror

The girls were happy that mommy found a perfect dress for daddy

"Now to go bridemaid and junior bridesmaid dress shopping" Erin says as she heads over to the bridesmaids part of the salon with her dress cause she wants to get a picture of the bridal party with her dress on before she orders everything for the wedding

(Tux shop)

"Thanks guys for helping me out with the tuxes" Logan says after they picked the style and the color that they were foing to wear for the wedding

"Don't mention it now you better take little Ginny home cause she looks like she doesn't feel good" Kendall says when she sees Ginny in tears

"I'm taking her to the bridal store cause Erin wants to do the flower girls dresses after she does the junior bridesmaid dresses" Logan says as they leave the tux shop

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