Kendall comes around

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James and Carlos love having a lot of nieces to love and spoil, and play with

"Is Kendall ever going to see the girls?" James asks Logan

"I hope he turns around and sees past the Genievre accident" Logan says as he plays with Emily

"What happened?" Carlos asks Logan

"Genievre was more curious then ever cause she saw something that looked interesting, so she went over to it, and next thing I know I heard a crash and I saw her in tears" Logan says as he continues to play with little Emily

"What Makenna no one paying attention to you?" James asks the baby that was fussing

Once Makenna was held she was happy once more

"Daddy" Heaven says as she comes towards him

"What pumpkin?" Logan asks her

"I fell down and I have an owie" she tells him

"Come here and daddy will make it better" he tells her as he kisses her owie

Logan kissed her owie and she was all better

"Logan you home?" Kendall asks coming in the house

"In the backyard with the others" Logan says when Genievre came up to him

Kendall heads out to where Logan, James and Carlos was

"Logan what is up with all of these little girls?" Kendall asks him

"I adopted them all, and I'm a father to close to two dozen little girls" Logan says picking up Nilah cause she started to get sleepy from playing with all of her sisters

"I believe it's down time for all of the little girls" James says when Ava wanted to be held

"I think so too" Logan tells him

Logan, James, and Carlos started to bring in all of the little girls from the backyard

"Everyone go to your rooms for down time" Logan tells them

All of the little girls obeyed and went to their rooms

"Where's Erin?" Kendall asks Logan

"She took the three and four year olds to go register them for preschool" Logan says as he puts the babies down for their nap

"Oh" Kendall says to Logan

"Daddy I can't sleep" Genievre says coming out of her room

"Come on baby girl you can stay with him until you go to sleep" he tells her

"It seems all of the little girls love you Logan" James tells him

"They do, but Genievre here is my little snuggle bug" Logan says as he lifts Genievre up, so she could cuddle with him

"Yeah she definitely is a snuggle bug" James says as he sits down

"You look good with her Logan" Carlos says

"I'm glad to call her my cuddle bug" Logan tells him

"Are the others like Genie" Kendall asks

"All of the two year olds are cuddly no matter what" Logan tells him

"Genie must be really attached to you" James says

"She is, and Kendall what are you doing here?" Logan asks him

"I decided to come and say I was sorry to you and Genie. I didn't know she was only two. She has a ways to go before she respects other people property" Kendall tells him

Genie hides from Kendall

"Kendall she has a dark past, and isn't ready to accept your apology, but I accept it. I knew you would come around again I just had to give you time to get over this" Logan says as he strokes Genie's hair as she snuggles closer to him

"You didn't tell us that Logan" James says surprised

"I might as well tell you guys little Genie here had a bad past. Her parents neglected her and abused her" Logan says as he gets comfortable on the sectional with Genie

"How do you know this?" Carlos asks him

"With the way she cuddles up to me, and when I got her from the beach she had bruises all over her" Logan says as he rubs Genie's back

"The poor thing" James says to him

"Yeah but that's in the past" Logan says as Genie starts falling asleep on him

As Genie slept she whines, so Logan had to hum to her to get her to settle down

"It's okay snuggle bug I'm right here" he tells her

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