Halloween baby

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For the past couple of days Erin has been feeling uneasy like their little girl was going to be born

"Erin are you feeling okay?" He asks her after breakfast that morning

"Yes I'm fine just some kicking is all" she says as she leans against the counter

"By the looks of things you are in labor" he says when he sees her getting into the squatting position to breath through the contractions

Logan hurries up and does the dishes and clears breakfast away, so he could help Erin with what she needed

"Erin darling how long have you been in labor?" he asks her

"Just since this morning about four a.m" she says once the contraction was over

"Why didn't you tell me that you were in labor?" he asks her

"I thought it was Braxton Hick contractions, but I'm thinking these are labor pains" Erin says as she helps Logan with the dishes

"Daddy is mommy okay?" Aubree asks him

"Your baby sister is telling mommy that she wants to come today, so I'm going to have Uncle Kendall and James take you girls trick or treating while I stay home with mommy cause your baby sister might be born tonight if all goes right" he tells her as he takes all of the little girls upstairs to get theor big sister shirts on

The excitement was a buzz in the house cause the girls were excited that their baby sister was coming, and tghey didn't want to miss seeing their sister the first time after she was born

"Girls, girls settle down i know you guys are excited, but it will be a while until your baby sister comes. Until then I need you girls to be quiet and not stress mommy out too much" he says as the girls were jumping up and down and couldn't belive that their baby sister was going to be here

"Logan I can do things with them besides it will get my mind off the contractions, and the pain" Erin says as she gets the cupcake mix out, so she can make cupcakes with the girls while they wait on the baby to come

The little girls loved making Halloween treats with mommy, so Logan decided to go out and get a couple of things like punch, fruit snacks, Halloween plates and cups cause Erin decided to have a Halloween party with all of the little girls before the baby comes


Logan got some fun games for the little girls to play, and got prizes for them when they won

"I say the first family Halloween party was a hit" she says when she sees all of the little girls enjoying their snacks at their table

"Yeah how are you feeling by the way?" he asks her

"In pain, but this helps" she says when she was hot with another contraction

"It looks like your contractions are getting closer together" he says when he looks at the chart that he made to time the contractions

"Yeah so i won't be much longer until our littlest princess is in our arms" she says as she goes and lays down cause she knew she was going to need her strength for the birth

After she laid down all of the little girls went to lay down with her while Genieve the only four year old that helped Logan clean up everything. Oriana got everything ready for the birth

"Thank you Oriana" he tells her

"Your welcome daddy" she says happily

Logan had Oriana and Brooke were the only five year olds, Genieve and Rowan as the only four year olds, Lottie, Nilah and Ava were the only three year olds, Genievre and Mazy were the only two year olds, Heaven, Aleeah, and Aubree were the only one year olds. Then there were the babies Emily and Mackenna

"Daddy what can i do?" Brooke asks him

"Help your sister with the little girls cause I'm going to be with mommy while we wait on your baby sister to come" he tells her

Brooke and Oriana jump right on in and check on the little ones while Logan attended to Erin

"I have the two oldest girls watching the little ones while I help you with your labor" he says coming into the bathroom where Erin was taking a relaxing shower

"Logan can you come in with me, so i can lean on you cause the contractions are really strong and my water broke?" Erin asks him

"Sure and I'll get the tub ready for the birth" he says as he goes and changes into his trunks

After her shower she helped Logan get the girls ready for trick or treat, so Kendall and James could take them

"Bye Logan good luck" Kendall says as he takes half of the girls with him and James was going to take the other half of the girls

"Thanks guys I'm going to stay with Emily and Mackenna cause they are too little to go trick or treating" Logan says as he goes up to check on Erin to see how she is doing

"Plus we hate to have them get sick" Kendall says as he heads out to the bus that him and James were going to take to take the girls trick or treating

"I'll take the babies if they are in their costumes?" James suggest

Logan goes up and gets them cause the babies were a lion and a tiger. Kendall was going to take the tiger and James was going to have the Lion

"Bye my girls I will see you later" he says as he gives each of the babies a kiss on their little head

Logan goes up to where Erin was to see how she was doing

"How are you doing babe?" he asks as he strokes her hair

"In pain I want this to be over" she says to him

"I know and soon we will have our little baby girl in our arms" he says as he fixes her hair a little bit, so she looks presentable

Logan was doing everything that he could to keep Erin calm until it was time for her to push


All of the little girls came home from trick or treating and were told to wait cause Erin was in alot of pain

"Logie I have to push" she tells him

"Okay I'll help you into the tub" he says as he guides her to the tub, so she could begin pushing

Once she was in the tub she started pushing cause she felt a bunch of pressure

"Logan i can't do it anymore" she says to him

"Erin I'm not leaving your side for nothing" he says offering her his hand to squeeze as she continues to push

Erin push until she felt the head come out

"Erin you are doing great keep going" he tells her as she continues to push

Erin pushed as much as she could cause the pain was too much for her

"Logan i can't push anymore I'm too tired" she tells him

"One tiny push and we will have our little girl" he tells her

Erin pushed one more time before she felt the baby slip from her

"Hello little one" he says as he lifts the baby out of the water

Once the baby cried that had all of the little girls running into the room to see their baby sister

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