Heaven comes back

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It has been two weeks since Logan and Erin had Brooke and Emily back in their care, and Erin was happy to have them back cause she missed both of the girls terribly, and she wasn't going to sleep long until she and Logan had all of the girls back in their care

"Logan darling come on i want to go to the hospital to see the twins this morning" Erin calls to hm after she changed Ginny

"Okay I'm coming i had to change Emily cause she has one doozy of a diaper rash on her little bum, and it was bugging her" he says as he comes down with Emily who was very happy that morning

"Brooke has Emily started doing anything like rolling over?" Erin asks as she buckles Ginny in her car seat

"Not yet mom I kept telling her to hold on until we were back with mommy and daddy to roll over" Brooke says as she buckles herself in her car seat, so they could go to the hospital to see her baby sister and baby brother

"So Brooke what have you all been doing since those people took you away from us?" Logan asks as he starts the van, so they could head to the hospital to see the twins

"Been crying out for you and mom cause I didn't like where i was and who my new parents were. I kept telling them that they weren't my mom and dad. They kept telling me that they were and i had to obey them, and if i didn't obey them I would get treated badly" Brooke says as she holds her doll that she brought cause she kept that from the orphanage as her comfort item

"Sweetie you don't have to worry about those people anymore you are safe with us" Erin says as she rubs her leg cause she was sitting where Ramona was going to be when she comes home from the hospital

"Oh babe i have the other car seats just in case one of the babies was released from the hospital today" Logans ays as he keeps driving to the hospital

"That's good cause I have a feeling that Ramona will be coming home today, so i brought her cute little outfit" Erin says when Brooke calmed down from being scared of her new parents that had her

"Brooke can you tell us about Emily?" he asks as he continues to drive to the hospital

"As soon as our new mommy and daddy took her she started to cry and howl and wouldn't stop at all. As soon as we got home they handed her to a nanny that they had, so she could calm Emily down. The nanny tried everything to get Emily to be quiet, but nothing worked, so the nanny gave Emily something to make her be quiet. I took Emily to her nursery, and calmed her down, and told her that I will work on a plan to break us out of here, so she has to play along until that day at the zoo" Brooke says to Logan and Erin

"Wow" Logan says as he continues to head to the hospital, so erin could see the babies


As soon as Logan and Erin entered the lobby Heaven came towards them

"Heaven it's okay sweetie come to daddy princess" he says as he opens his arms for the little girl who was crying so much cause her legs and her whole body hurt her all over

"Heaven what happened to you" Erin says to the little girl who was clearly upset

Heaven was crying so much she couldn't even talk to mommy and daddy

"Here we can go over here to wait for you to calm down, so you can talk to us" he says as he heads over to one of the waiting rooms that was empty at the moment

Ginny went over to where Heaven was and she hugs her sister cause she missed her most of all

"What are your new parents doing to you?" Erin asks Heaven when one of the therapist comes into the room to get Heaven back, so she could go back to the therapy room

"Me no go" Heaven says when she settled down and snuggled into daddy Logan's arms

"Sweetie we are almost done for the day we have two more hours of therapy remianing, and then we can break for lunch" the therapist tells the little girl

"Princess you don't have to go if you don't want to" Logan tells Heaven

Heaven felt better about that

"You can clearly see that she is exhausted, an wants to rest why don't you let her rest. How long has she been at this?" Erin asks the therapist

"Since five this morning her new parents want me to work her until she walks on her own" the therapist tells Erin and Logan

"I was the one that adopted her first, and her other parents are treating her like she can magically walk, so can you leave can't you see that this little girl is tired and is pain. I am asking you to leave, so she can rest before she goes back to therapy. Right now I am willing to fight to get Heaven back in my care cause she loves me with all her heart, and I never pushed her to walk like her new parents are, so you can leave" he tells the therapist that was standing right in the waiting room

The therapist leaves the waiting room

"Don't worry Heaven you are safe baby girl" he says as he rocks her in his arms

"I'm going upstairs to see the babies while you stay down here with the kids" Erin says as she gets up to go see the twins and to see how they were doing that day

"That's fine" Logan says when Heaven goes to sleep in daddy's arms cause she was exhausted from being worked that hard for that long

Logan gets up and takes Heaven out to the van and puts her in her car seat, so he could take her home to sleep for a good while caus she was exhausted

"Here we go big girl" he says as he buckles her in her car seat

Logan texts Erin and tells her that he is taking the girls home cause Heaven fell asleep, and she was fine with that cause if Heaven's new parents came to get her she will explain what happened and confront them and ask them why they took Heaven away from them

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