Telling everyone

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Once all of the kids and the younger ones were bedded down for the night in their rooms in their beds or in their cribs. Logan and Erin decided to tell the fans and everyone else about the little ones that have come into their life recently

"Who should we go with first?" he asks her as he joins her on the couch that night after all of the kids were in bed

"Let's start with the families and tell them that way that we have more kids then we ever could imagine having in our lives cause I am thinking they are going to be shock that we adopted all of those kids, but we have two biological kids of our own to care for as well" Erin says as she calls her parents to see how they take the news of the little ones that have come into the picture now since she has talked to them last which was when her and Logan were going together, and he only had Jenny

"Yeah good point, and then we can move on from there" he says to her as he sets up the video camera to call Erin's parents and tell them the news that they have a lot of grand kids to see when they come for a visit next time they come out to Cali to visit and spend time with Erin

"I hope they take it well" she says as Logan starts the call to her parents house to see if they were home, so they could talk to them, and let them know that they are grandparents to a lot of little ones that would love to see them sometime

The whole time Erin was pretty nervous about telling her parents about all of the kids that her and Logan have right now

"I hope they think we ain't running an orphanage" she says to him as they continued to wait for her parents to answer the video call

"I hope not either even though it looks like we are" he says as he waits with her

They wait and her parents don't answer

"Let's try my parents I know they are home, and they will answer the call" he says as he calls his parents to tell them the news

Logan's mom picked up on the first ring

"Hello Logan what do i owe this phone call?" his mom asks him

"Is dad and Presley around I want to tell you guys something important" Logan says to his mom

"Yeah I'll just get them" his mom says as she calls Logan's dad and sister to come to the video screen, so Logan and Erin could tell them the news

"Okay son we are all here what is your news?" his dad asks him

"Well you guys are grandparents" Logan says happily to his parents

"What?" his mom asks him

"Come again son?" his dad asks him

"You and mom are grandparents, and Presley you are an aunt" Logan says to his parents

"Explain now" his parents tell him

Logan starts way back at the starting line when he found Jenny and adopted her, and told them how he wanted to give her a sibling, and how he ended up with my girls then he bargained for. He tells them that him and Erin have two kids together. He finishes with the ones that came from the hospital when Jenny was in the hospital recovering from her illness that she had

"Wow how are they?" his mom asks him

"They are fine mom all of them are sleeping like little angels knowing that they are loved and will be cared for instead of being abused, and feeling neglected" Logan says when he hears one of the little ones on the monitor wake up from their slumber

Logan excuses himself to the little girl that was not happy at the moment

"Okay princess daddy is coming" he says as he goes up the stairs to the bedrooms to get the little girl that was crying up a storm

Logan checked to make sure all of the other kids were sound asleep before going to the bedroom in question

"Hey Jazz it's okay daddy is right here" he says to the little girl who they named after a type of music

Jazz was not happy at all

"Come on I'll change you and then you can come down to be with mommy and daddy" he says as he takes her to the changing table to change her

Once Jazz was changed and with daddy he took her downstairs to have some warm milk

"Hi Jazz girl" Erin says when she sees the little girl that Logan had in his arms

"She was a bit cranky, so some milk might help" he says as he goes and makes a bottle for the little girl that was still upset

"Is that Jazz?" Logan's mom asks them

"Yes the one and only" Erin says to Mrs. Henderson as she angles the camera so she could see the little girl

"She is so precious" Mrs. Henderson says when she sees Jazz for the first time

"What do you say sweetie" Erin says as she looks down at the little girl that came over with daddy

"Tank you" Jazz says to her as she cuddles with mommy

"Oh you are quite welcome" Logan's mom says to the little girl who was quite contented with her mommy

Logan comes back with a bottle for her to drink

"Jazz do you want daddy to feed you?" he asks her

She nods

"Come on I'll feed you" he says as she crawls over to daddy, so she could be fed

Logan guided the bottle to her mouth and she started to suckle the formula that daddy made for her

"She looks so precious when she eats" Logan's mom says to him

"Yeah she is" Logan says as he continues to feed Jazz her bottle

They talked for a few more minutes before calling Erin's parents to see how they would handle the news about having all of these grand kids to visit

"I guess they ain't home or they don't want to talk to me" she says when her parents don't answer the video call

"Who do you want to call next to tell them about all these kids?" he asks her

"Let's call Stephen and tell him cause I am pretty sure he will freak out when you tell him about all of the kids" Erin says as she places the call to Stephen, so her and Logan can tell him about the kids that have got since the show ended

"Done Jazz?" he asks when she pulled away from the nipple of the bottle

She nods

"Okay do you want to cuddle with daddy?" he asks her

She climbs back into his lap to fall asleep on his chest that night

"Is she better?" Erin asks him

"Yeah she wanted daddy and she thinks I'm a bed" he says as he rubs Jazz's back

Soon Contemporary woke up as well

"I got her" Erin says when Stephen came on the screen

"Logan what do i owe this phone call?" Stephen asks him

"Well one of your monkey's is a daddy" Logan says to his former on screen bosses

"Well congrats Logan what is it?" Stephen asks him

"Well we have lots of them" Logan says as he continues to comfort Jazz

"Wait i don't understand" Stephen tells him

"Well Me and Erin have two children that are ours and the rest are adopted, and this is one of the adopted ones" Logan says to Stephen

"She looks cute" Stephen tells Logan

"Thanks" Logan says as he rocks Jazz in his arms some more to get her to settle down

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