Getting Ginny checked out

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"Daddy it hurts" Ginny cries from the backseat of Logan's car

"I know baby me and mommy is going to get you checked out soon I promise" he says as he continues to head for the emergency room, so Ginny could get checked out cause he hates to have her suffer for one more minute

"Mommy brought you your favorite dolly for you to hug" Erin says as she hands Ginny her favorite dolly

Ginny takes the doll and hugs it tight cause she was in a lot of pain

"The poor thing" Erin says as she faces foreward once again, so she could help Logan drive cause right now he was racing to the hospital cause Ginny wasn't happy that her ears were hurting her

"I know Ginny we are almost there" he says as he continues to drive to the hospital

"Logan we are right here why don't you take her to the emergency room, and I'll meet you there" Erin says to him when they were stopped at a red light

Logan didn't lose another minute he got out to get Ginny and take her to the emergency room cause she was screaming for the pain to stop cause it was really hurting her

"Hang on Ginny daddy is going to get you checked out while mommy parks the car" he says as he carries her to the hospital, so he could get this matter taken care of soon, and she has no more pain

Logan decided to run to the emergency room, so he could get her checked out

(Emergency room)

"Okay Ginny daddy is going to get you registered, so you can be seen" he says as he puts her on a chair in the emergency room, so he could go to the window, and get her registered to be seen by a doctor

Gnny still cried as she sat in the chair

'I know you are in pain baby doll" he says as he takes care of the paperwork that he needed to take care of, so she could be seen

"It will be a little bit cause we have a few people in front of her" the nurse tells him

"I understand" he says as he goes and sits down with Ginny who was miserable

"Princess do you want daddy to hold you?" he asks her

She nods

"Okay I'll hold you" he says to her as he sits down to hold her in his arms cause she wanted her daddy to make it all better for her

"I hope we ain't out here long" he says as he looks at the clock that was on the wall in the emergency room

(Much later)

"Genievre Henderson" the nurse calls from the door of the emergency room

"That's us come on sweetie" he says as he gets up with her and takes her back to triage so she could have a check up

"Sweetie can you stand on the scale for me please?" the nurse asks her

Ginny shook her head no and stayed close to Logan

"She is in a lot of pain right now all i want is for her to feel better" he says to the nurse as he adjust Ginny in his arms cause she was quite heavy right now

"First i need to get her weight and her temperature and her blood pressure" the nurse says to him

"Ginny come on if you let the nurse get your weight I'll get you an ice cream" he says to her

Ginny wasn't budging at all

"Come on Ginny it's going to be quick" Erin says to her

Ginny still wasn't going to go

"Can we just skip triage?" He asks the nurse

"Nope we need to get this done" the nurse says to him

"Can you just take her temp?" Erin asks her

"Cause can't you see that she is in pain" he says to the nurse

"She can go through we can take her vitals later" another says to the couple 

Logan and Erin were shown to a room to wait on the doctor

"Ah she fell asleep" he says when he looks down at Ginny who was sound asleep on him

"The poor thing" Erin says as she helps Logan onto the hospital bed, so he could lay with Ginny who wasn't feeling the best right now

"Yeah" he says to Erin

Logan stroked her tiny cheek

"Hard believe it started with me adopting Ginny here" he says as they continued to wait on the doctor to come into the room

"Yeah she looks happy with you" Erin says to him

"I know she is" he says as they continued to wait on the doctor

"Hello" the doctor says as he comes into the room to look Ginny over

"Hello doctor" Erin says to him

"It seems my patient is asleep" the doctor says to him

"Yeah she was in so much pain she cried herself to sleep" Logan says to the doctor

'Let see what is going on shall we" the doctor says as he looks in Ginny's ear while she sleeps

Ginny woke up when she felt the thing go in her ear

"Ginny it's okay the doctor is seeing what is causing your discomfort" Logan says as he keeps her calm as the doctor checks her out to see what was causing her ear pain

'Well I am going have to clean out her ears cause her ears are really red. She has double ear infection as well as some type creatures in her ears, so I am going to take the ear gun and clean it out" the doctor says as he gets the gun together, so he could clean her ears and make it all better for her

Erin came to hold the bed pan, so whatever was in Ginny's ears could fall out when the doctor cleans it out

"This might hurt" the doctor warns Ginny

The doctor got some maggots and other creatures that were in her ears. As well as built up earwax that was in her ears

"There we go now to do her other ear" the doctor says to the couple

The doctor got more stuff from her ear

"I'm going to admit her just as a precaution just in case her ears really hurt her again as she is being treated" the doctor says to the family

"I'll stay with her" Logan says as he puts her in her hospital gown

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