Telling everyone part 2

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"Okay now I got to tell the guys as well as Stephen that we adopted more kids, and I hope they take the news well. I hope they don't hate me for adding more kids cause their parents hate them, and didn't love them" Logan says after he got done telling his parents about the kids that came into the picture that night when him and Erin picked Eve up from the hospital and brought her back home where she belongs with her parents

"Yeah and then we can tell the female co-stars and cast about them. As well as everyone else who we haven't told yet about the kids cause they need to know" Erin says as she holds Contemporary in her arms cause she wanted mommy to hold her cause she had a bad nightmare and it scared her really bad and she wanted to be held and have a hug. Hopefully she could fall back to sleep on mommy, and knowing that daddy is by her just in case she doesn't feel mommy's love

"That sounds like we are going to be for a long night with the younger ones since they are scared the most about all of this since it's their first night in a new place and with different people caring for them" Logan says as he calls Kendall to see if he was still up knowing Kendall that Kendall is still up yet and writing songs or doing something or way or another

"Katelyn what are you doing at Kendall's?" Erin asks her when she sees her friend on the screen in no clothes at all

"Nothing" Katelyn says as she tries to get decent cause she saw that Logan had little ones with them and that Kendall and Katelyn didn't have much clothes on and they were doing it

"Kendall get some clothes on please cause there are kids present, and they don't want to see that at all have some decency man for my kids sake" Logan says as he covers the little girls eyes cause Kendall wasn't dressed all the way, so he decided to call James and tell him the news since Kendall was quite busy at the moment and he didn't think that Logan was going to call him like this or at this hour anyway and that he was in bed

"Hi Logan what do i owe this phone call especially at this hour?" James asks as he adjust the camera a little bit since he had a little one in his arms as well like Logan had in his arms talking to him

"Well before I tell you what is going on with me what do you have there buddy?" Logan asks him as he rubs the little girl back who started to whimper a little bit cause daddy wasn't paying enough attention to her and talking to her friend

"Well Logan like you I have two little ones as well both of them are girls" James says as he shows Logan the two girls that he had in his mist right now and that he adopted from the orphanage

"James they are too cute" Logan says when he sees James two girls that he had in his arms and was comforting right now

"Thanks Logan this one that I have is Elsa and she is only three, and this is Anna and she is only a baby" James says to Logan as he continues to rock Anna in his arms and comfort the little girl that was scared out of her mind right now cause she was in a new environment

"How did you get those two?" Logan asks him as he adjust his little girl

"Well I adopted Elsa here, and Anna is my biological daughter that Peta had, so both of us are raising two girls as our kids so they have a family" James says as he gets up, so he could put the girls to bed that night, so Logan could take to him and tell him about the girls that he had as well as the boys that were still asleep cause they had their buddies that they slept with that night and they weren't scared of anything

"Anna is darling" Erin says as she complements James on the girls that James had with him

"I know she is and she isn't that old either" James says as he leaves for a minute to put Elsa in her big girl bed, and Anna in her swing, so he could continue to talk to Logan that night

"So Logan what is going on with you?" James asks as he comes back with Anna cause she did not want daddy to put her down at all and James was fine with holding her in his arms as she slept that night. Elsa was asleep on the couch

"Well me and Erin have some news" Logan says as he looks at Erin who was playing with her fingers cause she was nervous to tell James that Anna and Elsa will have a lot of playmates to play with when they come over to play

"Are you pregnant?" James asks her

"No James we ain't pregnant, but we have an addition to our family or several additions to our family" Logan says as he figures out a way that he was going to tell James about the new little ones that came home that night

"That's good" James says as he sits down with Anna in his arms

"We have several new little ones cause little Ginny was in the hospital for a while, so she decided to go explore the hospital and found these little ones who were scared out of their mind. Many moms didn't want them in their life, so they were dump on us, and we are raising them as our kids. The babies that are at the hospital won't come home until tomorrow from the hospital cause I have to work on the nurseries all night tonight cause I have several cribs and changing tables that I need to assemble for the babies. Then I have to get the car seats all secured on the new bus that I have gotten, so the little kids can come with us when we go places" Logan says as he talks about what he needs to do to get ready for the babies to come home from the hospital the next day sometime during the day or at night

"Wow she has a heart of gold that is for sure" James says to Logan as he complimented his niece

"Yeah she does she cares about all of the little ones, the babies that she sees she wants to make sure that they are loved and cared for, and if they are hurt or something they will tell the nearest adult, so the adult can take care of the child that is upset, and is feeling blue" Logan says as he sees if Kendall was ready for the chat to tell him that he has a lot of little ones

"She is a real sweetie, and she has the best parents around that is raising her and respect the world around her" James says to Logan and Erin

Logan blushes cause he was touched that James said that about him and Erin cause he knew he was the one that found Ginny and took her in and help her a little bit

"Logan I see you turning that shade of red" James tells him

"James he is touched that you complemented him on being a good dad, and raising these kids to be the best that they can be in life" Erin says as she gets Logan a tissue to blow his nose cause he was crying from it

"Well he is the best dad that anyone could ask for and have as a dad" James says to his band mate

"He is he does everything with the kids and treats the babies a little extra special" Erin says to James as she gets one of the little boys that was calling out for mommy to come to his room to see if he has any monsters in his room cause he was scared of monsters

"That's good" James says as he sees the little boy that Erin had in his arms

"Hey buddy" James says when he sees the special little boy that Erin had in her arms and making it all better since the girls were comforting daddy since he was extremely upset

"Can you say hi Marcel?" Erin asks the little boy

The little boy does a wave for James

"Ah he is shy" James says to them

"Yeah he is really shy, but he will open up later on down the road I know it he just needs time is all" Erin says as she rocks the little boy that she had in her arms

"I doubt that but if he doesn't that is fine too" James says to Erin as Logan comes around

"Yeah we love him no matter what" Erin says as she feeds the little boy a bottle

James talks to Logan and Erin a little bit more before saying good night

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