Erin meets the babies

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After Ginny was done with breakfast Logan goes down and meets Erin, so he could show her the babies that were left in the nursery that morning

"Daddy will be back okay princess" he says as he kisses Ginny

"Okay daddy" Ginny says to him as he leaves the room to go down to meet Erin cause she was on her way to come and get Ginny and bring her home from the hospital

Logan gave her some toys to play with while he was gone


"Hey Logan is Ginny ready to come home?" Erin asks when she sees him in the lobby

"She is not quite ready cause the nurses are slow with the discharge papers" he says to her as he takes her to the elevator to take her up to the nursery, so he could show her the babies that Ginny founf when she went on the hospital adventure that morning

"Logan I thought Ginny is on the fourth floor why are we going to the eigth floor?" Erin asks him

"Just wait and see okay" he says as they kiss as they head upstairs, so Erin could see the surprises that he had for her that morning

"Okay I can trust you Logan" Erin says to him as they head upstairs to see what Logan had up his sleeve

(Maternity floor)

"Logan what are we doing at the maternity ward?" Erin asks him

"Well you are going to have to wait and see" he says as he goes in and to the window where the girls were

"Logie whose girls are those?" Erin asks him

"They are ours now cause their mother's abandoned them and totally gave them up to adoption/ Ginny went on a hospital adventure this morning where we went all around the hospital a couple of times until i found her here, and she found the small baby girl that was totally abandoned here, and she practically begged me to take them in. I told her I will have to talk to mommy about it" he says as he picks up the baby that wanted to be held by Logan at the moment

Erin admired the baby that Logan had in his arms

"She seems happy in your arms" Erin says to him

"Yes and the other one that is over there that has Henderson on her bassinet as well" he says showing Erin the bigger girl of the two girls

"Oh it's okay little one" Erin says as she rocks the baby in her arms

"They might be hungry" he says as one of the nurses bring in a bottle for the two girls, so they could have their meal

Erin sits down and feeds the bigger girl her formula and she started to suckle the formula for her mommy

"Well Erin what do you say to these two cuties?" he asks as he continues to feed the one baby that was really hungry that morning

"I am going to say yes to these girls cause they need a home" Erin says as she continues to feed the baby that was in her arms at the moment

"Well the babies that you guys have have big sisters that got kicked out of the mother's lives as well" one of the nurses say as she comes in with two different little girls who were really scared and very upset that they got kicked out of their mommy's life at the moment

"How old are they?" he asks her

 "The one on my right is a year old and this one over here is three" the nurse says to Logan and Erin

"Come here girls" he says as he motions for the scared little girls to come over to him and Erin, so they could get comfortable with them as their new parents

"Girls it's okay these are good people" the nurse says to the scared little girls that she had on her hand

The little girls were not having anything of it they wanted to go back to their mommy's cause they only knew their old mommy's, so they went back to their old mommies room to see if they could be accepted back. That did not end well it ended up with both girls being abused and beaten by their mommies who didn't love them at all. The one year old got burnt by a lighter

"Okay that is it those girls are going in our care right now I don't care" Erin says fired up as she continues to feed the bigger one of the girls

"That's the spirit Erin" he says as he burps the little one of the girls that were going to be coming home with them in a few days

The one year old ran to Erin and wanted to snuggle with her

"There, there little one" erin says as she comforts the one year old as the three year old ran to Logan, so she could be comforted by her new daddy who really love her for what she was

"Girls you guys are coming home with us today, and you will be loved" he says as he hugs the three year old really tight in his arms

Once the girls were settled down the nurse showed each of the girls their little sister that was biological's theirs

"Girls with me and your new mommy you will be loved we wil take in all of the babies that will be abandon, so you guys can have a proper family that loves you for you, and you guys have a chance to bond with your siblings" he says as another baby and another big sibling was brought into the nursery

"Come here little one you are going to be welcomed with opened arms as well" he says to the other little one that wasn't even a year old that was scared out of her mind what just happened to her back in her mommy old room

Before Logan and Erin left to go get Ginny they acquired about three more babies and their one year old sisters or brothers that were abused by their mommy or daddy

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