planning the vacation to remember

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Logan and Erin decided at the start of the new year they were going to be planning the first family vacation for them and the girls, and Hortense. Plus they wanted to get started planning their wedding

"What are we going to be planning first?" He asks her one night when the girls and Hortense was tucked in their beds and cribs

"Let's start on the wedding cause that is going to take the most time and prep to do cause we got to decide on every little thing for this wedding" she says to him

"Yes how many bridemeaids are you going to have along with the matron of honor, so i can plan according for the groomen and the best men" he says as they sit down to start planning the wedding that's going to happen that summer sometime

"I'm think eight or ten bridesmaids" Erin says to him

"I'll have Presley be the matron of honor unless you have a sister that can do it" he says as he looks at her

"I'm fine with Presley being the matron of honor for the wedding besides i want her cause she is your only sister after all

"The girls under five can be the flowers girls for the wedding, and I'll have Hortense be the ring bear with Genny pulling the babies in the wagon that wil be decorated for the ceremony" he says as he looks at all of the girls that they have right now

"Then the girls five years old can decide whether to be a flower girl or a junior bridesmaid for the weddding" Erin says as she gets her list ready on who she is going to ask to be in the wedding

"I'll have Kendall, James and Carlos be the best men for the wedding cause asking one of them over is the others is a bad idea" he says with a chuckle as he texts the guys to see if they want to be the best men for his wedding that is going to happen that summer

All three said yes to being the best men for the wedding, and can't wait to throw Logan a bad bachelor party

"I think we should have the families be united someway during the ceremony" Erin says as she continues to plan on where she is going for the bridal gown, and the bridesmaid, juniorbridesmaid, and the flower girl dresses cause she wants the dresses to be perfect

"Like the girls and the babies?" he asks her

"Yeah that's what I'm thinking of including" she says as she write down the style of dresses that she wants the girls to wear during the ceremony, and the younger ones are going to get changed into something for the reception cause she knows how the younger girls eat at dinnertime

"Sounds like a plan to me" he says as they kiss

Right on cue the twins wake-up

"Come on Logan we can continue this while I'm feeding the babies" Erin says as she goes up to the twins nursery to get them

Logan grabs each of the twins and changes them while Erin got ready to breastfeed the babies their meal

"What are our colors going to be?" Erin asks him as the twins start to nurse

"Teal, and you can pick the other color" he says as he writes down the color that he picked 

"Thanks Logan" she says as she blows him a kiss from the rocking chair as the twins still nurse yet

After the twins were nursed and changed again the parents went back downstairs to continue planning the wedding

"Should we have flowers?" Erin asks as she holds Ramona

"No we better not cause one of the girls has a bad bee allergy" he says as he looks at each of the girls medical information that he had written down

"Balloons it is, and the babies will love it" Erin says as she writes down balloons, and anything else that could be fun since they have kids now

"I think we should have the reception here cause if the younger ones fall asleep we can tuck them in their beds" he says to her

"Genius, and it will be better for the babies anyways" Erin says as she writes down the reception location

Logan and Erin finish up the wedding planning before moving onto the honey part of it

'I think our honeymoon should be a cruise" he suggest to her

"Who is going to watch the kids for that amount of time, and I'm breastfeeding still, and I don't feel comfortable having the guys touch the breast milk that I pump" Erin says to him

"Then we can take a family vacation on wait for it...........the DIsney cruise line that way everyone wins. The kids have fun playing on the ship with their aunts and Uncles, and we can relax at the spa or somplace on board that way we get a little we time. Plus we can have the rooms be connected or next to each other for the girls that way we can close the doors, and still have privacy with just the two of us at night" he says as he raises his eyebrows up and down in the way that he does

"Okay we can take a Disney cruise with the kids besides i know the younger ones will like it cause of princesses and everything. Plus you can take the kids on Aqua Duck which is a water slide on the boat" she say to him

"That's fine i don't mind anyways cause i know those girls will love it" he says as he gets online to see when they want to take the cruise and look at the 

"The older girls will be so excited to meet Tinkerbell and her friends on board the ship if she is aboard" Erin says as she starts planning for the honeymoon cause this is going to be a big family vacation and she doesn't want to forget anything

"The younger ones Disney princess" he says to her

"We got to register the girls for swim lesson, so they can swim in the water once we are on board the ship" she says as she starts searching on where the girls can take swim lessons before they go on vacation that summer

"Erin we have plenty of time for that I just want to enjoy tis process with you cause i feel we are going to have a lot of arguements leading up to the wedding, the reception, and the vacation with all of the kids" he says as he gets up cause he back was hurting from sitting so long at the kitchen table planning every single detail of the wedding on their part

"I know i want to get started with it cause I can't wait to be Mrs. Henderson this summer" she says as she follows him upstairs to the master

"I can't wait either cause we will finally be a family all of us, the girls and Hortense" he says as he enters the twins nursery to tuck in Hortense for the night since he has been asleep for a little while

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