Telling Carlos

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"I hope today is a better day" Logan says as he wakes up

He saw that Genievre was still asleep, so he decided to go for a bit of a run around the neighborhood.

When he returned he saw that she was still asleep like a little lamb, so he decided to do some laundry while she slept.

"Hey Carlos what's up?" Logan asks when he saw who was calling him

"I was calling to see if you want to hang out today?" Carlos asks him

Logan had to think for a minute before saying something

"I can't Carlos" Logan tells him

"Why not Logan?" Carlos asks 

"How about  I come over and tell you that way" Logan tells him

"See you in a few buddy" Carlos tells him

Logan went to Genievre's room to see if she was up, and she was

"Morning lady bug" he says coming into her room

"Morning daddy" she says happily

"Did you sleep good?" he asks her

"Yes daddy i did" she says as he lifts her up and puts her on the changing table to change her

"This morning we are going to one of daddy's friends house" he says as he changes her

"Whose that daddy?" she asks him

"Carlos and he has a pool, so maybe we can go swimming" Logan says happily

That made Genievre really excited

(Carlos place)

"Hey Logan" Carlos says as he comes out 

"Hey Carlos" Logan says as he walks with Genievre

"Whose this little cutie?"  Carlos asks him

"Say hello to my daughter little Genievre Henderson" Logan says as he holds Genievere's hand

"Hello Genievre aren't you the prettiest little girl that i have ever saw" Carlos says as he gets down to her height

"Thank you" she says still holding onto Logan

"Would you want to come inside Alexa is making breakfast?" Carlos asks her

"Alexa makes a better breakfast then daddy does" Logan tells her

"Okay" Genievre says to Carlos

"While Alexa is making breakfast would you like to play with Sydney?" Carlos asks her

Genievre gets scared of the big dog

"It's okay princess she won't hurt you" Logan tells her

Once Sydney saw Genievre she started to growl

"Sydney that's a no you go in your cage for growling at Genievre" Carlos tells Sydney 

Logan takes Genievre inside to get her settled

"Logan i didn't know you had a daughter" Alexa says when she sees the little cutie

"I adopted her yesterday" Logan says as he gets some toys out for her to play with

"Dada me wet" Genievre tells him

"Okay I'll change you pudding cup" he tells her

Logan changes her in the car while Alexa makes breakfast

"Here Alexa this is Genievre sippu cup" Logan says giving Alexa her sippy cup

"Thanks Logan I'll fill it up for her" Alexa says to him

"Okay princess you want to play for a little bit?" Logan asks her

"Yeah dad" Genievre says happily

Carlos and Logan played with Genievre until breakfast was ready

"Okay you three breakfast" Alexa calls

"Before each meal we say grace, so Genievre can you fold your hands?" Carlos asks her

Genievire wasn't sure how to fold her hands

"That's okay Genievre we can join hands for now" Alexa tells her

"Logan are you going to get Genievre a baby sister?" Carlos asks him

"I don't know Carlos right now she's two, and she is very clingy to me" Logan says as he gets up to get Genievre some more juice

"Come on Logan it might be fun she might want a baby sister" Carlos says as he eats breakfast

"I'll think about it" Logan says as he goes back to eating breakfast

After breakfast Carlos and Logan played with Genivre in the backyard for a little bit until their stomachs digusted from breakfast

"Okay baby girl it's time to go swimming and be a fishy" Logan says as he takes Genievre to get her into her swim suit


"I'm heading home Carlos since Genievre zonked out

"Okay bye Loges" Carlos says as he watches Logan drive back to his house

(Logan's house)

Logan changes Genievre out of her we swim suit and puts her in her footie jammies, and tucks her in

"Night lady bug" he says as he covers her up

Logan didn't leave her room he watched her sleep, and reflects on how much his life has changed since she came into his life

"Daddy loves you Genievre" he says leaving to put her swim suit in the wash

Logan went to work on his motorcycle and he begins to ponder about adopting a baby, and how Genievre would react to it

"I hope James accepts her like Carlos did" Logan says as he continues to work on his motorcycle

Since James was out of town Logan sent a pic of what Genievre looks like to him to see if he approves of it, and James response with "Just call me Uncle James

"I'm glad two of my band mates are okay with it" Logan says as he goes back to working on his motorcycle

He calls Carlos and Alexa up to see if they are willing to come over and watch Genievre while he heads down to the orphanage to looks for a playmate for Genievre, and ALexa says she is more then happy to come down and watch Genievre for Logan

"Is Genievre still asleep?" Alexa asks Logan

"Yes she is, and I'll be right back I might bring back one or two more little ones" Logan says as he gets in his car

"Good luck buddy" Carlos tells him

"I know i need i hope i find a good match for Genievre" Logan says leaving

Alexa decided to go shopping while Carlos watch Genievre

"Don't worry Genievre Uncle Carlos is going to watch you while daddy steeped out for a bit" Carlos says as he comes into her room

Alexa returns a short time later with a bunch of stuff, for Carlos to put together

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I will have the bext chapter up tonight since the dogs are barking up a storm

Taken in by Logan HendersonWhere stories live. Discover now